Example sentences of "through [art] [noun pl] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Aristotle is credited with the first written record of the fact that certain marine predatory gastropods obtain their food through the holes they excavate in their prey .
2 Through the holes they have drilled , they poke the tip of the radula and suck out the flesh of the victim .
3 Through the approaches I have described I have aimed to give my pupils access to a broad and balanced mathematical curriculum .
4 I think I need a man older than myself because I always seem to see through the boys I meet .
5 Oh you , cos they just dig through the mountains you see , so you do n't have
6 The common thread running through the problems you have to overcome is human failings .
7 Well you , you be going through and just tick off which just stroke a line through the ones we do n't want .
8 I am as I am through the choices I have made , and I will not whine at fate . ’
9 That 's the way he wanted it and his own bosses at American International Pictures made further changes through the difficulties they anticipated in getting the film distributed to the cinemas ; it was quite probable that it would arouse backlash over its drug content , although , as John Baxter wrote in his review of Sixties films , it was one of those films that exposed with skill the psychological moral pressures vexing society .
10 Daily life might lead people to interact internationally — through the goods they handled , collaborative work , consumption patterns , even culture .
11 As we walked through the hills we saw several large herds of long-horned cattle , guarded by warriors called morani who were stern but not unfriendly , and brightly decorated , like our guide , with their faces painted and hair thick with ochre .
12 I think where people are more at risk is where they 've gone for TESSAs in th er you know that 's the tax-exempt savings plan , and they 've chased the rate through the papers you know the erm and they see that the s the Wolverhampton Building Society or the Tipton and
13 As Morton produced the manila folder from his pocket , Sir Rufus seized it and began leafing through the papers it contained .
14 Through the glasses it seemed as if the whole sky was showering brilliance on the town below .
15 God works in and through the processes he has built into the natural world .
16 As they rose through the ranks they maintained the association .
17 As she passed through the lights she turned right into a small service road which ran alongside a few small shops .
18 To emphasise the art , because most religions communicate to non-believers through the objects they make .
19 ‘ People have a psychological need for role models and kids live vicariously through the stars they follow .
20 When you act for a buyer , always go through the answers you receive to your preliminary enquiries , search and additional enquiries made of the local authority , marking each of these with a tick if it is satisfactory , or with a cross if it is not , or if it requires further elucidation .
21 If not , then put a large red cross through the notes you have written .
22 A huge , heavy , panelled oak door faced it , and peering through the windows I saw that it led into the mill kitchen .
23 His voice was guarded , but through it all she could hear the yearning and she wished she could break through the barriers he 'd erected against her ; she dearly wanted him to reveal his true self .
24 If the tendency towards crime is not seen as being already determined at the point of conception through the genes we inherit , then the obvious conclusion is that it must be subsequently acquired in some way .
25 And moving out through the suburbs it looked as if he was right .
26 example An essay showing that the linguistic theory of Conversational Analysis can help us understand how characters in Conrad 's novels control each other through the ways they interact in speech .
27 The incandescent flowers of roadside flame trees blazed like orange candles overhead as Jacques Devraux 's gleaming black Citron B-2 landaulet slid through the shadows they cast on the road leading northeast out of Saigon .
28 On this great day , when he cut the ribbon on a shop built to remind him of the Italian department stores of his childhood — ‘ they always had a restaurant , because part of the treat of shopping was lunching out ’ — he was so happy and relaxed that it was easy to swallow inhibitions and ask him whether he was n't bothered about being known , through the films he has chosen to dress , as the creator of designer violence .
29 In 1834 reforming zealots destroyed a vast collection of Exchequer tallies in the furnaces of the House of Lords , and through the centuries they have been thoughtlessly thrown out and destroyed in the same way that , after a period , we ourselves dump old bills and receipts .
30 Continuing our journey through the centuries we arrive at 1788 and a completely different type of association , linking past and present .
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