Example sentences of "back to [noun prp] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Shirley Williams , former Cabinet minister and founder member of the SDP , put forward this thesis last week when she flew back to Britain to be introduced to the House of Lords .
2 He was in a Niagara Falls jail yesterday waiting to hear if he would be sent back to Britain after being refused entry to America .
3 Her body was flown back to Finland to be buried , leaving behind a mystery that still has n't been solved .
4 Well I think , I think she 'll be that fed up being here all that time , she 'll be glad to get back to America to be quite honest with you Chris , what is there for her to do all that time ?
5 The eccentric Cantona jetted hastily back to France after being dropped from the side at QPR , although at the time the club claimed he had been given permission .
6 By December 1990 the airframe and the majority of the systems were ready to re-ship back to Chino to be mated with the Nixon-built Griffon engine .
7 He was sent back to Scotland to be educated , completing his formal education with a science degree from Edinburgh University .
8 The airline will use four aircraft to take people back to Russia to be with their families over the Easter holiday .
9 She was sent back to Paris to be plucked , groomed , coiffed , gowned , a " la " mode , hair by carita , dressed by Dior , shoes , jewellery , gloves and lingerie form all the best houses .
10 ‘ But at the moment whenever I go back to Melbourne after being abroad it seems homelier every time .
11 " Dom João has asked that you travel back to Lisbon to be married there . "
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