Example sentences of "back [conj] i [vb mod] not " in BNC.

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1 What in God 's name possessed you ? ’ he demands , face close to mine , pinching my shoulders , tilting me back so I ca n't look down .
2 But , she thought , I might be called back and I would not know what to say , I do not want to go amongst mad people , to have them stare at me , to see the unpleasantness of a lot of geriatric cases .
3 Even now I 'll go back and I ca n't play note for note what I played then ; I can get the general feel of it but I can never go back and hit it note for note .
4 Even now I 'll go back and I ca n't play note for note what I played then ; I can get the general feel of it but I can never go back and hit it note for note
5 ‘ I 'm hanging back and I wo n't start attacking until tomorrow . ’
6 And I went up and down the road and miles away then came back and I could n't stop because this bike was very old fashioned and you had to stop it by pedalling back
7 I 'd like to write back but I ca n't keep up with him .
8 It 's quite funny really because er I used to go off I had an agreement with the headmaster at that particular time and he 'd h I 'd been a full time teacher with him , and he needed somebody desperately , that was the only reason obviously he wanted me back , and er I said Well look I can come back but I ca n't get back in order to go to the assembly at first .
9 But I I 'd said to Angela there were some a while back but I 'd not sh shown them her .
10 Sometimes I feel that I could get to the point where I 'd let her get on the bus [ transport to day care ] in the morning and then ring them up later and say ‘ Do n't bring her back because I wo n't let her in ’ …
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