Example sentences of "back [adv] on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He sat back down on the bed .
2 He found his arm grasped gently but firmly , and pushed back down on the bed cover .
3 He sat back down on the sofa with a bored expression on his face .
4 He was last night on the verge of coaxing Denmark back on to the path to European unity — but he will have to back down on the EC budget to close the deal .
5 The whole world turned on its axis and dumped Ruth back down on the ground with a thump .
6 I sit back down on the bench and sort of snuggle into my coat to try and keep warm .
7 Then pretend to lay the cards randomly back down on the table .
8 The glasses and the bottle of wine were slammed back down on the bedside table and then his hand around her wrist was a shock .
9 and you 've got to get back down on the shop do it .
10 I rolled out like a ball but sneaked back in on the back seat .
11 Pavel 's was a city dawn , seen from the rear seat of the unmarked car as they circled back in on the motorway network toward their base near the airport .
12 And Durbeyfield lay back comfortably on the grass .
13 He wriggled back further on the bed till he was leaning up against the wall .
14 And , cos you 're always back early on a Friday .
15 ‘ We do a lot of restoration work , and when she went back home on a visit she took a brochure which showed the sort of stuff we do .
16 Who went to the end of the street , nevertheless , and came back briskly on the impetus of her need , her decision .
17 But just when it seemed the writing was about to be put back up on the wall , Kendall found an unlikely saviour .
18 I 've never got enough hangers to hand the clothes back up on the cable .
19 It has but I 've turned the stat back up on the cylinder just made the boiler cut in again cos that 's that 's why the boilers cutting out cos it what it does once it gets up to temperature then it 'll shut itself off .
20 ‘ Hopefully , we 'll get back out on the road again .
21 ‘ Talk about being desperate to get back out on the road , but we were actually counting down the days between finishing the album and starting this tour , ’ quoth guitarist Andy Couzens .
22 Ten seconds later Lance-Corporal Charlie Trumper of the Royal Fusiliers found himself back out on the parade ground .
23 Border , who once said that the day Marsh and David Boon are out of the Australian side will be the day he goes as well , got back out on the ground soon enough , but he continued to fuel the fire by staying behind in Adelaide that evening while the rest of the team flew on to Perth to prepare for the fifth and final Test .
24 Jennifer found herself back out on the street , confused and bewildered .
25 The weekend should have been the danger period , not a Tuesday , a nothing day of the week when nobody did anything other than look back wistfully on the pleasures behind them and look forward to the unformed pleasures ahead .
26 She opened her mouth to speak , thought better of it , then slumped back angrily on the sofa and folded her arms across her chest .
27 He is now back full-time on the circuit after breaking an arm in a car crash in 1990 , which put him out of action for 12 months .
28 She turned and walked the long clicking walk down the floor ( the shop strangely quenched of sound and movement ) , tugged back hard on the glass door and with a shake of shiny hair had passed into the random straggle of the street .
29 I lay on the ground for a few more moments , then continued on my way through the trees in the direction of Brigade Headquarters , pondering on the likely thoughts of Colonel Peter Young and his three Officers back there on the hill .
30 He came downstairs and found Alexander Atkins and the second man back again on the doorstep .
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