Example sentences of "back [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , it would be one of the first schemes to implement the Government 's intention of bringing freight back on to the railways .
2 ’ cheery voice and shrill whistle will be sadly missed in Malt Dispatch by all the drivers he has guided back on to the doings !
3 Mr Stephen Joseph , of the pressure group Transport 2000 , said the plans would force people back on to the roads .
4 In another case , a pimp repeatedly followed a girl to her house in an attempt to force her back on to the streets .
5 Hardline resistance to Mr Gaidar and his shock therapy programme , which conservatives say is sending millions into beggary , will not have ended with the vote in the Grand Kremlin Palace and is likely to move back on to the streets with more rabble-rousing in coming months .
6 The dismissals were announced the day after Girija Prasad Koirala , the general secretary of the Nepali Congress Party , had delivered a message to the King warning him that unless substantial powers were quickly turned over to the new government , crowds would be called back on to the streets of Kathmandu .
7 well from the rough of off road racing we 're driving back on to the fairways for the start of our action round up this week … for a success story from the Broome Manor club at swindon …
8 The party was delighted to have got its hands back on to the levers of power and to have smashed the Labour Party in the process .
9 The thing dropped Cardiff back on to the steps , and now the grip was gone from his chest .
10 When the White House and Congress do reach a 1990 budget agreement ( no one is willing to predict when ) the spending cuts will be restored and the carriages lifted back on to the rails .
11 When they had finished they patted the dovecot affectionately and climbed back unhurriedly down the stairs .
12 He felt for a pulse then , letting the gunman 's arm drop , he holstered the Browning before walking back slowly towards the doors .
13 She felt back along of the chains .
14 She snuggled back down under the covers , deciding it was too early to get up yet .
15 For a while he tried to read , tried to sink back down into the fortunes of young Pao-yu and his beloved cousin , Tai-yu , but it was no good ; his mind kept returning to the question of the Aristotle File and what it might mean for Chung Kuo .
16 How is it that police forces such as Lothian and Borders are this year reporting crime rates back down to the levels of 1981 ?
17 Owen sent him back down to the cells to think about it .
18 When you came back down from the mountains you made some recordings that to this very day have a unique atmosphere about them — the Metamorphosen , the Brahms Requiem — but when you went to England to work with Legge 's Philharmonia there was an added interest to your music-making : the enormous repertory you managed to acquire and record .
19 Although historic links between the two countries go back long before the days when the French were sending troops to help the Jacobite rebellions , the French presence in Scotland remains relatively small .
20 There are even those who look back nostalgically to the days when people might leave school at 11 , when the educated classes were distinct from the uneducated .
21 I left Werewolf with a withering look and headed for the edge of the road , cutting back deeper into the trees so I could n't be seen from the farmhouse when I reached the fenced-off field .
22 The yard was bright as day for a few seconds , then night crept back in around the flames .
23 I was about to dive back in among the hops , though I probably smelled like last night 's barmaid already , when the Shogun veered off to my right , and then pulled up about twenty feet from me .
24 ‘ Move back away from the doors . ’
25 The noise rumbled back uncertainly from the hills beyond the town .
26 It is probably best to take this piece seated , to suggest a character looking back reflectively at the events recalled .
27 If we venture back further to the days of mono LPs and shellac 78-r.p.m. discs , the standard of music-making can be very special indeed and the sound often much better than we could possibly have expected .
28 I relived the murder as I walked back home through the streets .
29 No , cos one of them kept going up to London for the we week and then went back home at the weekends and he had this lovely house !
30 People work nine to five and then escape the 10 , 20 or more miles back home to the suburbs .
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