Example sentences of "on [conj] the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Curiously these metabolic processes seem to anticipate the homeothermic organisation of mammals , thus hinting that dinosaurs carried on where the reptiles left off .
2 It was odds on that the cops had got to him by now , but in case they had n't it might pay me to square things with him .
3 These special deposits are frozen , and can not be drawn on until the authorities choose to release them .
4 The staff will stay on until the parents arrive to pick up the children .
5 Two years on and the faces smile a little more , but thy 're still dirty , like their clothes .
6 Cornelius noticed that the lights were on and the curtains drawn .
7 In edit mode a red LED comes on and the pedals select individual effects , in the same way that you 'd switch between a row of compact effects pedals .
8 Instead , he turns something on and the engines start making a noise .
9 But as time went on and the numbers grew , more organized arrangements had to be made ; and the abbot of Cluny had from time to time to undertake mighty journeys .
10 The patrol marched on and the raiders slipped on to the airfield where they managed to place bombs on the twenty-one aircraft , some vehicles and a fuel dump .
11 Two years on and the Boos have the Leeds four-piece opening the show for them .
12 French workmen fleeing from the dock were fired on because the Germans thought this was an organised rising , the explosions coming so long after the raid that they took them to be the work of the Free French Resistance Movement and threatened reprisals if the ‘ revolt ’ did not stop .
13 But the one that were carted out on the fields , they were left with the leaves on because the cattle ate the leave as well .
14 We do acknowledge that the fatalities by the end of er by the end of December last year fatalities had increased in the county but that does , but that 's not really the figure that goes , go on because the numbers involved are actually quite small .
15 ( " The war brides among us must labour on till the boys come home " . ) "
16 The car went racing on while the friends tried to tidy up the mess .
17 He sat on the bank for a while and looked longingly on while the children played in the river .
18 The flowers come on before the leaves come on .
19 He had to sit out in the corridor at Windsor listening to Electrophone transmissions of some opera that went on and on before the warblers saw fit to die with some interminable aria .
20 ‘ As far as this part of the city is concerned , ’ Maidstone went on after the drinks had arrived , ‘ I think I 'm the only resident Englishman . ’
21 In ‘ Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep ’ however , the androids will carry on after the humans have died .
22 Nobody knows what the Nile perch will feed on when the haplochromines have been further reduced in biomass .
23 Rose supplied McAllister with the damp towelling squares , and she alternately wiped Effie 's forehead , and gave her the towelling to bite on when the pains came strong and fast .
24 Delighted shoppers looked on as the dancers weaved their way past Darlington Dolphin Centre .
25 I was alone ; even Liza looked on as the snowballs rained down .
26 Wainfleet went on as the drinks arrived : ‘ All sorts of folk have their reasons for wanting other people 's private business , or their own , published .
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