Example sentences of "'ve always been [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Warnock , under fire after a 6-0 blasting by Millwall , said : ‘ Millwall was a body blow but I 've told my players that I 've always been a fighter .
2 Well er as I say , I 've always been a union member but then when I was self-employed it was different and I kept me fees up for a , to somewhere I do n't know what it was , but er when er yes , when er I was coming to come on me own and I went down the locksmith 's to see about it and they said er , what did they say now , they said you could n't do that , whatever it was , and er we 'll have to do this and that and the other .
3 But I 've always been a champion of English wines .
4 I 've always been a worker yet there is a part of me that feels I could end up like that , too .
5 I 've always been a believer in fate , and that one shot can win or lose an Open .
6 You 've always been a bit of a soft touch , but now it 's time to wise up and tell those around you that enough is enough .
7 At the orphanage I was complimented on me English composition , but I 've always been a bit shy about speakin' up for meself . ’
8 ‘ Oh , I 've always been a bit of a subversive .
9 I 've always been a bit of a bad girl : I 've disobeyed my father .
10 I 've always been a bit of an organiser , so when I looked in on ffeatherstonehaugh 's , started to go regularly and saw that things seemed to be in a bit of a mess , it seemed to me I might usefully give it some of my time . ’
11 ‘ I 've always been a bit of a front man .
12 No they 've always been a bit short
13 ‘ I 've always been a Strat man .
14 I 've always been a sort of I wo n't say outgoing personality let's say right .
15 I 've always been a d-i-y enthusiast , but it 's been more through lack of funds than genuine enthusiasm — not exactly a good basis for totally renovating a derelict house .
16 He said : ‘ I 've always been a worrier , and apparently it 's stress that makes the lining of the stomach and bowel come away .
17 But , like I say , I 'm a really big fan of guitarists and I 've always been a fan of the guitarists in the group , whoever they 've been . ’
18 I think I 've always been an optimist .
19 well Nick , Nick , I 've always been the buffer , it 's funny , I mean Bruce is , is very like you in a lot of ways , he 's very easy going , you know and , but if the kids ever wanted anything
20 I 've always been the type of guy who 'll dig into every note regardless of whether that note might be right or wrong or in or out of tune .
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