Example sentences of "'ve always [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The workforce at Swan Hunters have never asked for any special privileges , they 've always asked for a fair deal on a level playing field .
2 So I 've always felt in a false position where Veronica 's concerned . ’
3 ‘ I 've always felt like a Queen .
4 And he stopped me and said : ‘ Son , I saw ye practising , and I 've always found with a player of your capabilities it is best to tell them to hit it straight at the pin ! ’
5 it is what I 've always thought for a long time that somebody like Brian if he 's not if he 's not showing at our fish at our show , even as an A class judge , I , I fail to see why he ca n't judge at our show it 's , he goes to Skelm and , and judges there and our fish will be there or strange really when we 're struggling for judges that , that we do n't do these things .
6 But that must be awful I al I 've always thought for a , a woman who wears really loads of make-up
7 Out of all the slate mines , of all the years that has gone I 've always worked on a contract .
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