Example sentences of "'ve er [pers pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 So we 've er we 've done I think what we can er as a party about that motorway project and er there will doubtless be more to do .
2 Well we 've er we 've gained in , in many areas and held in all .
3 Tell me John I 'm pleased that we 've er we 've managed to get business completed this evening , I think it 's gone very well , I 'm sure you agree , er do you think that er did you find the , the exercise of completing that planning the future document was of benefit to you ?
4 I 've got an interesting point that I relate about this job that when I went to see them , about starting this job , they said , Well , they never told me before I got in , they said er , We 've er we 've got no money so we ca n't pay you a very good wage , but er we 'll start you off with five pound a week , that 's all we can afford , well I was earning more than that , during the War , nineteen forty two .
5 We 've er we 've got two th already put together .
6 So we 've er we 've come to the front and we 've led from the front .
7 Starting with cost reduction any cost reduction programme always involves a lot of redundancy and , and this is no exception and from the slide you 'll see that we 've er we 've had a staff reduction er , from the the plan for this year of one thousand and thirty three er and that 's the , that will save us in a full year something like fifteen point nine , sixteen million pounds .
8 They 've er they 've done fairly well there with Perhaps if it 's happen to be a time when I 'm busy Richard you might do it as vice chairman .
9 Tell you what I did watch one night in the week on Sky was erm they 've er they 've done a feature on erm all these karate actors , you know , the best ones
10 They 've got quite a few of these at erm at , at the Railway Trust , they 've er they 've got a number of these signal boxes .
11 Well I 've er I 've done , just done something er different every week , last week I were like er listening to them all read
12 So er you know I I 've I 've never had a sort of er a one way track about politics , although I adore it and I 've er I 've enjoyed it hugely Am enjoying it and I
13 I got the tonight I 've er I 've got erm the baby seat done today sort of like a baby seat in the back so I wait until I get really lumbered like , you know , cos er , if you have the then you can take it back after it 's born and er , get a refund on it get all the money back .
14 been out with a woman 's erm undressed in front of you you know you 've done the bit you 've er you 've managed to er within three easy steps undo the bra with one hand whilst er telling her you know you 're a really nice guy and there 's no chance of going too far and all that sort of thing and you know you get you get fairly carried away you may even be under the sheets
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