Example sentences of "'ve [vb pp] [pron] to do with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nothing much else , really , as you can see from what I told the Brigadier — except that , whatever 's happened , I 've got nothing to do with it — I expect she was attracted by the light in my window if she was lost . ’
2 Martinho was watching , with that ‘ I 've got nothing to do with this ’ look that he put on when he 'd fucked things up good .
3 ‘ Whatever 's going on , I can assure you I 've got nothing to do with it . ’
4 You could write to Geoffrey and say say you 've bought something to do with trains and should feel very pleased .
5 They 've had nothing to do with each other for damn near twenty years .
6 ‘ Whether yer believe it or not , do n't ever let me see or know yer 've 'ad anything to do with 'er agen , ’ she concluded .
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