Example sentences of "'ve [adv] [vb pp] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 He said , I 've only got eyes for one person .
2 For instance , you 've decided to run the TriAxis through a couple of Boogie combos ( sorry , I 've just spent £4,500 for you ! ) .
3 ‘ I 've just signed Schwarzenegger for a three-movie deal , my wife 's oil paintings are going to be shown in a major London gallery , my son got first-class honours at Oxford and I 've won half a million on the pools . ’
4 I 've already made arrangements for this week . ’
5 I 've always grown vegetables for pleasure or necessity , and ( despite what purists suggest ) when pests strike they thrive even after spraying with boiled rhubarb leaves or marinaded fag ends or whatever , one reaches for modern chemicals to save the crop .
6 They 've always done good for me .
7 Well , we 've always given money for Eretz and now we 're giving men and women , including our beloved Rabbi .
8 I said to Mrs Beavis this morning , I said Sergeant Joe 's a hard man , but I 've still got respect for him . ’
9 We 've also introduced rewards for good attendance like pens and key rings , which are very popular — they 've even got ‘ street credibility ’ status . ’
10 They stared at each other for a moment before Mick added , ‘ You 've never seen Carrie for years , have you ? ’
11 We 've never got credit for it , but we did it .
12 We 've never got credit for it , but we did it .
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