Example sentences of "'ve [adv] [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They 've all gone to the funeral , ’ said Lydia .
2 Mr Baker 's party takes a different view ; they 've only to explain to the public how we 're going to succeed if we do n't invest in our own future , in our education and training and in good social services for our people , because I do n't see how it can be done .
3 dear oh dear , and she said to me well they can get these crook locks , they 've only got to a , they 've only got to bend the steering wheel , I said will
4 ‘ I 've only got to the end of the year but my family will be carrying on where I left off .
5 Yeah , well I mean if you 've only got to the one machine you do n't need two boards necessarily do you ?
6 They 've just turned to the zone game after generations of the sweeper system .
7 If you 've just moved to a new area a good way to break the ice for you and your child is a parent and toddler group .
8 Is the implication of what you 've just said to the Chairman that you agree with Mr Allenby that this animal is a different one than anything that might go to an I five site ?
9 We 've just spoken to a bloke who 's into us and would be really interested in doing something . ’
10 Hello , it 's Mrs here , I 've just spoken to the other lady making a booking for three twin rooms .
11 They 've already written to the Secretary of State and said dear Secretary of State we 're going to send this to you because it is a departure but please Secretary of State do not call it in do not exercise your powers .
12 We 've already referred t I 've already referred to a bit of this , in my er discussion with regard to the access to the er nature reserve .
13 And er I 've already referred to a byproduct of over-provision that sites are then moved on to sh car showrooms and erm supermarkets which are needs which or demands which would probably not have justified the allocation of the land for industry in the first place but once the land is allocated to industry it seems to be thought that no harm would be done by allocating those to something else .
14 I mean by the piece I 'm reading you today , I 've already submitted to the B B C and if I sell it
15 erm if we ca n't satisfy him in terms of what we 've already submitted to the panel satisfy him in in terms of our actions .
16 Oh we we 've already spoken to the Archbishop
17 Yeah , Ch cha chair , it is possible for Mr by moving a , another small but you know , perhaps relatively insignificant motion on , on this same item , as we 've not moved to the next one , and I will , I will happily second it , in order to enable him to speak to it , erm , to actually express the views , and very valuable ones , which he does hold .
18 I 've not spoken to a soul in the last fortnight , except for you — sorry , no offence meant .
19 There 's us lot working and slaving from dawn till dusk for nowt , and the two who 've not stuck to the straight and narrow as come off t'best .
20 ‘ We 've always referred to the diary as ‘ my grandfather 's log book ’ , ’ said Mr Heward , 65 , of Birchwood Road , Marton , Middlesbrough .
21 For soccer skills , we 've always looked to the Brazilians ; in cricket , the West Indies have been the power .
22 This recipe is the closest I 've ever seen to the one which our family cook Rhoda would make , months in advance of Christmas .
23 And he was looking forward again : " I do n't feel I 've ever got to the point I aim at and I do n't think I ever will , but I would like to feel that I was getting a little nearer to it each time . "
24 I 've also written to the owner of the Mill Yard , Mr Whewell to get his consent for the siting of the skip .
25 The Vicar of Bistre , the Rev Jason Kennett-Orpwood , said yesterday : ‘ We 've now written to the whole council , and so too have a lot of the parishioners , to ask it to reconsider .
26 No , a Sierra , a Sierra the whole lot comes up , yes , but they 've now changed to a Sapphire and the Sapphire is just the boot , yeah ?
27 I 've never subscribed to the deification of Nick cave and still do n't subscribe to the theory that says ‘ difficult ’ or ‘ dark ’ music is somehow better than squeaky-clean pop , but ‘ The Mercy Seat ’ and ‘ The Good Son ’ automatically establish a tone of commanding bleakness , Cave scuttling the stage like a wretch possessed and the band striking bunslinger poses .
28 You 've never listened to the things I say , and even when something is an obvious fact , you never quite seem to believe me , or to trust me .
29 I never list I 've never listened to the tape
30 But we 've never listened to the answering machine .
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