Example sentences of "'ve [verb] put [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 Everybody 's completely different and there 's such a tendency not to study people really and to simply think of them as all exactly the same , ‘ You 're 75 and you 're old and you 've got to put up with that .
2 He was all the more determined to appear in control because his father-in-law was giving him the half-amused , half-pitying look , which Hugh interpreted as ‘ I know you 're sorry you 've got to put up with me .
3 Not like what they 've got to put up with now — ferreting round in the council bins for old take-aways and kipping in cardboard boxes .
4 That 's right near the window yes and all the dust is coming in we 've got to put up with it till Christmas .
5 Well I just think of the fact and I know it 's sort of miserable but Christmas night I think well , if you 've got ta sort of something like you 've got to put up with your mum and dad and I think well just the more the merrier .
6 Oh , so I 've got to put up with you a week longer than everyone else ?
7 ‘ Ever since I resigned , I 've had to put up with this incessant , ‘ You 've got to be realistic , ’ from you .
8 What was more , they 've had to put up with a relief milker while their herdsman was laid up with flu .
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