Example sentences of "'ve [verb] [conj] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 That 's not what I 've heard and I 've been asking around about you .
2 I 've come and I 've took my boots off and poured the bloody rain out .
3 eighty nine thousand , I need another go round and another thousand pound and I 've won because I 've got me two thingybobs
4 I 've got layers on in case they 've vanished when I get home ! ’
5 Yeah but that money is , you 've saved and I mean nan put that in when you were younger too , a lot of it .
6 They 've been they 've done before I believe .
7 Horbury , 55 , said : ‘ I 'm sure Daniel will never forgive me for what I 've done but I hope he does . ’
8 The shows on that 1987 reunion tour are among the best we 've done and I remember a cracking night in the Olympia which would have been the last time we visited Dublin .
9 I mean I spoke to Jane the other Sunday and I , I said to her you know , just be honest , I said I do n't care what you said , but just be honest and tell me how much you think I weigh , cos she does n't know how much I weigh and she thought I weighed about ten stone , I said well stick thirteen pounds on top of that , then you 'll be right , she could n't believe that I , that I weighed that much , so obviously it does n't look that bad and people at work , well they 've noticed that I 've lost weight , but they do n't say how much they think I weigh , so I do n't want come to them to sort of , have a , have a g have a guess of my weight .
10 When he was first with me I could belt up about seven in the morning , but , recently I 've noticed that I feel unwell if I get up and rush out .
11 Er , I know I 've made some mistakes which they 've missed and I 've managed to put those right as I went on .
12 I catch up on video tapes of TV shows I 've missed and I read a lot .
13 Ten days after Mr Clinton unveiled his package , he said he supported it ‘ unconditionally ’ , describing it as ‘ the best , most promising budget I 've seen since I 've been in Congress . ’
14 The second bit I 've seen but I need to see the first bit .
15 If he , he does n't want to talk about potential because it will er not make the , the , the necessary action immediate , but if he can come back and say I 've seen and I know what 's going on
16 One mistake I 've made since I 've been here that is .
17 And when I 've expanded and I 've told you then I then come back to my ending and I say , okay so what I 've done I 've told you about three aspects of flying , about the safety of it , ab about the costs involved in taking part in flying and about the enjoyment you 're gon na get out of flying and I hope that I 've persuaded you that you will come along on Saturday to take part , and that 's the ending .
18 And as I say , I was able to get in touch with me brother and fix this little shop up there and er no I 've said that I 've er , I 've er
19 Yes , you 've said that I mean
20 I 'll call for a vote for quite clear I am going to stick to what I 've said that I consider that the amendment has been proposed it can be if it 's to be accepted it can then be accepted by the Committee as a whole
21 ‘ Mr Wexford , I 've heard all you 've said and I 've got to believe it .
22 Yes I 've phoned and I 've written three times and I 've written to his mother our official letter , official no headed notepaper she 's not there , she works as a nurse does n't she ?
23 It 's not emotional blackmail — but once or twice recently , I 've felt that I 've nearly bought it .
24 I think one of the biggest problems we 've got or I 've I 've had in the last couple of years is that we 've got so many primary schools that we get children from Spring Gardens and Western are now producing national curriculum information for which Marian has got .
25 that about twenty songs on the L P we 've got and I think they all sold a million
26 ‘ I know precisely how much petrol I 've got because I know precisely how much I 've put in and precisely how many miles I 've been .
27 So , if you think that I 've got where I have by giving my sexual favours to Tim Dunton , or anyone else … ’
28 Mercer , who will have the jaw wired to-morrow , said : ‘ It 's the first serious injury I 've had and I 've never felt as flat as this .
29 When filling small cracks , I 've found that I get a smooth finish , which requires little or no sanding , of I roll over the crack with a paint roller a few times , while the filler is still damp . , .
30 And , and it 's surprising what I 've found when I 've bought erm
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