Example sentences of "being a [noun] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Language , by not replacing the signified thing at the supposed centre of the structure it has created , discredits the idea of there being a centre at all .
2 Wendy 's boyfriend was pleased with the idea of being a father at first but he could never really come to terms with the reality of it , nor his responsibilities .
3 In fact , it barely fits the definition of being a house at all , looking more like a big triangular thing .
4 Irena took an unofficial day off work and we wandered through the damp streets while she told me about being a student at Palacky University in 1968 ( and what happened afterwards : ‘ It is strange how the history books of a country can change , is n't it ? ’ ) .
5 I 'm up to my ears in work here , not least amongst my worries being a meeting at three of Headquarters staff at SHAEF presided over by General Eisenhower himself . ’
6 For , when the days of competition are over , teaching is about the only option open to the really committed dancer , complete retirement from the lists being an impossibility at that stage .
7 I said that I could not imagine being an atheist at any time before 1859 , when Darwin 's Origin of Species was published .
8 I should however indicate that to understand properly what is the appropriate position for an inset boundary , I have to look at the reasons for there being an inset at all for the village , as , as you correctly indicate , it lies plainly otherwise within the general extent of the greenbelt .
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