Example sentences of "good [noun sg] of his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All right , yes , ’ knowing that she would n't be able to do it ; there were so many factors against it : the old woman along the corridor depending on her ; Charlie , who had given up a good part of his life waiting for her .
2 To correct the curve it was necessary to stretch the concavity and contract the convexity — in furtherance of which he spent a good deal of his time moving across the floor in a peculiar creeping posture , which Doctor Staples referred to as ‘ Klapp 's crawl ’ .
3 Nicholson , who was spending a good deal of his time in the new BBS offices , which he hoped would be the starting point of his own aspirations towards directing , chipped in with the observation that his biker pictures had all grossed respectable money and made very handsome profits from a low outlay .
4 Finchie , meanwhile , was spending a good deal of his time at Oblatz , a bar-restaurant just across the street from the studio .
5 On that thought , a streak of fairness smote Fabia and she became guiltily aware that , since he must spend a good deal of his time cooped up in his office , it was no wonder that he wanted to enjoy his walks without any prying journalist asking the ‘ whys and wherefores ’ of everything .
6 She said , ‘ Good-bye , Mister Johnny , ’ and smiled at him , and at first he tried to smile back , twitching the good side of his mouth .
7 For if he considers himself in some small way a specialist , not only can he spend a good proportion of his time teaching what he likes and probably , therefore , understands better , but he also has more of a chance of keeping up to date on his chosen subjects , particularly if he has support , as many of the teachers I observed had , from local subject advisers , associations or selective in-service programmes .
8 Compare Dostoevsky 's attempt , frustrated by the good angel of his genius , to explain Raskolnikov 's motive for his crime .
9 I reached round and got a good handful of his arse .
10 He kept complaining in his broad Lancashire accent that he needed a good dose of his mother 's ‘ Lancashire remedy ’ — a mixture of ipecacuanha and liquorice to which he was addicted .
11 The kind of joke related by any man is a good indicator of his character , mood and circumstance — a fact which is as valid when applied to the nation as a whole .
12 The new Prime Minister was obliged , yesterday morning , to send a driver to find out the telephone number of one of his key ministers , before Mr Singh could pass on the good news of his appointment .
13 Had he been more self-assertive he might have risen higher in politics , but in his chosen field he made good use of his wealth and talents .
14 At first Anne felt indignant with Joe , but when she thought it over , realised the good sense of his warning .
15 As regards the furnishings , Noel was greatly helped by the good taste of his wife , and the architect Randall Wells .
16 One logical reason for this , besides the fact that we naturally want to relate our assets to our goals , is because God takes good care of his property .
17 I only ask this question because devotees of this composer have probably never been in a better position to acquire a good cross-section of his output on disc .
18 Pilot 's position , giving a good view of his seat inside the Escape Capsule .
19 I also feel that in ‘ Futility ’ Owen uses emotion very well and gives a very good impression of his feeling which I feel is slightly lacking in a couple of his other poems .
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