Example sentences of "good [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This means that there is a good absorption of PABA from the colon .
2 He poured the coffee , adding a good measure of brandy to each mug .
3 ‘ Preliminary discussions show a good measure of support in the trade , ’ said Cleveland Police .
4 But there is , as part of our common culture , a good measure of agreement between any two people on many , though frequently not the same , points .
5 I think they 've got quite good variety of kind of up market right down to , if you 're looking for a bargain .
6 The trade should provide a good variety of output for all tastes , from cheap classics to ‘ trash ’ , and in variety of outlets — ‘ B&Q should be seen as a place to buy books .
7 The swimming pool , garden terraces and poolside bar are the daytime focus of attention for those who want to lie back and soak up the Mediterranean sun , and the restaurant and caféteria serve a good variety of snacks throughout the day .
8 It means I can live in a good part of town in my own apartment .
9 The general purpose of exploratory statistics , as the name suggests , is to help investigators to take a good look at patterns in data and to search around for ideas about the form these patterns take .
10 Cricket now , and a bumper crowd has been watching Gloucestershire put up a good fight against Essex in the quarter finals of the Nat West trophy .
11 Because the middle part of the link was n't worn you see , that was still a good bit of metal in it .
12 Although the Minister 's welcome acceptance of my invitation will bring confidence to the people of Southend that their serious problems with the Fenchurch street line are not being ignored , can he give some information soon about the replacement of the rolling stock , following his welcome assurance that we will have a good bit of money for the replacement of the signalling ?
13 It includes a good bit of flattery of Diodati and a celebration of the erotic lyric .
14 well there 's a good , a good bit of scope for eh , playing do n't you ?
15 But I 've only been there one day — half a day , really , since I took a good bit of time off this afternoon to talk to you .
16 ‘ There 's a good bit of banter at the post office on pension days .
17 But , over the last hundred years , acres of ‘ accumulated land ’ have built up and it is now a good trek from station to sea .
18 Nevertheless , it could be argued that the common law doctrine of qualified privilege can be extended , under the public policy spur of the European Convention , to protect assertions about public figures made in good faith as part of public political discussion .
19 The income and property of the Society shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Object of the Society and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to the members of the Society , provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any officer , servant or member of the Society in return for Services actually rendered to the Society and proper rent for any premises let by any member to the Society .
20 6.2.3 obtained by the recipient Party from another person in good faith without breach of a confidentiality obligation owed to the supplying Party , or
21 The person taking the goods must have taken them in good faith without notice of the agent 's lack of authority .
22 In affording to them immunity from suit if they have acted in good faith in compliance with a legal or moral duty or in protection of a legitimate interest the law must take them as it finds them .
23 However , we judge the Government 's good faith in terms of their track record .
24 In addition , exclusions of particular fiduciary duties are only likely to be held to exclude certain specific elements of the duties and the fiduciary will still be held to owe duties of good faith in respect of any particular transaction .
25 Levels of lighting should be assessed for each child and a good contrast of print on paper provided .
26 Enid 's response to the ‘ Coping with Depression ’ article was very positive , and this is usually predictive of a good response to counselling in the long term ( Fennell and Teasdale , 1987 ) .
27 A conference on AIDS has attracted a good response from businessmen in the Alton area .
28 Technologies such as ‘ Silver II ’ , for the destruction of organic wastes , are also attracting international interest as an alternative to incineration , and we are making good progress with contracts for aspects of waste management in Japan .
29 Dawn Roberts , tourism officer , said : ‘ It applies to all businesses throughout the borough , not just those in tourism , but all those who wish to maintain a good level of service to the customer .
30 On the question of the public conveniences erm I feel there 's been a lot of discussion about this , this kind of issue and I feel that what we 've got now is a good agreement erm , we 've got still providing a good level of service with attendance at the central I do n't like referring to conveniences , at the time that they are most needed and I think that now I would n't like to see us go without that if we do n't really need to .
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