Example sentences of "good [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is true , certainly , that feeling good for no particular reason , and the sensation of warmth , do not involve objects or contents that can be said to be determinate in a certain sense .
2 ‘ British publishers have had it good for a long time .
3 Well I do n't know , I think he 's covered up he 's not good for a long time , I did n't know he was that bad .
4 Well like that 's good for a wee girl who 's still going to college and what not right ?
5 A sideways knit band is good for a button-to-the-neck cardigan or jacket .
6 The prospects may therefore be good for a long-term strategy which aims at both restricting the scale of most operating units and granting them a reasonable degree of operational autonomy in order to make participative democracy a feasible proposition , while developing further the economies of administration , co-ordination , etc. which are at present realised by large-scale enterprises .
7 This is inappropriate for a number of reasons : first , because you are primarily assessed on relative quality ( " good for a second-year dissertation " ) rather than absolute quality ; second , because there is no point in simply rewriting someone else 's ideas ( you might as well submit their original book or article instead ) ; and third , because it underestimates the possibilities of disagreement , adaptation and development which exist in all areas of the field .
8 The forelock-touching peasant is still around in print , and always good for a condescending laugh .
9 Each RAID level is good for a particular kind of data .
10 Third : sign the biggest , nastiest , quickest fast bowler you can find and make sure he 's good for a full season and wo n't go missing half the time . ’
11 E any good for a titty wank
12 No , no good for a titty wank
13 In the colonial context , the word ‘ participation ’ had an uncomfortable ring about it , quite alien to the ideology of the political ‘ status quo ’ , and the colonial administration and agricultural extension service knowing what was good for the African cultivator .
14 Relaxation is good for the immune system — and will help you fight off illness .
15 RELAXATION is good for the immune system and will help fight off illness , according to devotees of yoga .
16 Then he noticed an open gate and beyond it a side door which he approached ; here he was told that his tickets were only good for the front door while the side doors were reserved for members .
17 He secured two admission tickets but when he arrived he found they were only good for the front doors where ‘ already hundreds were waiting ’ .
18 The WRU ( bless ‘ em ) are also good for the odd pronouncement .
19 He opened by stating that he felt ‘ that a complete separation of crime from sin would not be good for the moral law and might be disastrous for the criminal ’ .
20 What held good for Stoke Poges held good for the Western Isles ; Kathleen Raine has given us a description , worthy of Thomas Gray , of the burial of an old Scotswoman :
21 He was disavowed by the Dutch government and compelled to leave hastily , but his buccaneering had done no good for the federal idea or for the Netherlands .
22 The lesson , I think , there is to pick a course that will create the sort of environment in which performance can be maximised , rather than to pick something which appeared to have more vocational use , but may not be as good for the individual student as a course that he or she will enjoy .
23 That monocle would be no good for the classless image .
24 He said : ‘ I 've always maintained that Paul Byrne is too good for the Irish League .
25 I do n't believe that the method of selling cars with huge discounts that has been going on in the US for some time is good for the companies , and I also do n't think long term it 's good for the industrial base of the country and therefore ultimately for the customer .
26 Some say it is good for the Prime Minister to mix with the crowd and others that for a Prime Minister it is less than dignified .
27 Heath was n't particularly good for business and Callaghan was n't particularly good for the working class . ’
28 ‘ The call-offs mean that if anybody plays well against Germany he will have done himself a lot of good for the immediate future . ’
29 ‘ It 's good for the American patrimony ’ , he says , explaining that when the tax advantage was removed , many important works that might have been donated were instead sold at auction to non-Americans whose countries have strict patrimony laws .
30 This theory of a ‘ verbal inspiration ’ especially held good for the Greek translation of the Old Testament , commonly called that of the Seventy ( Septuagint ) , made at Alexandria in the third century bc .
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