Example sentences of "three [noun] ' [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 One was the disk erm , which actually held about erm , three hours ' worth of conversations straight from the corpus er banking , er composition .
2 A variable that has three categories ( such as three parties ' share of the total vote ) can be represented on triangular graph paper .
3 On 11 January 1991 Norwich gave three months ' notice of the termination of their agency agreement of 13 March 1990 , by virtue of which Winchester had become an appointed representative , and hence an exempted person .
4 On 11 January 1991 Norwich Union gave three months ' notice of the termination of their agency agreement of 13 March 1990 with Winchester .
5 Nearly three months ' worth of them — nothing before that — then , as soon as exams began : every single night I had them , and every single morning I wrote them down .
6 Soldiers were required to bring with them three months ' supply of provisions , arms , armour and tools for entrenching and other tasks .
7 By July 1989 it was estimated that the country possessed foreign exchange sufficient only to cover three weeks ' worth of imports .
8 At Georgetown , Toyota keeps three days ' worth of stocks of imported parts , compared with 1.5 days ' worth of American parts — or four hours ' worth at its Japanese plants .
9 I looked up into a bloated quivering face with three days ' growth of beard .
10 He sported designer jeans , three days ' growth of beard and an elegant leather jacket that he had thrown over his shoulders against the cold .
11 Stopping for lunch near Messkirch , en route for Ulm , I discovered that my three days ' neglect of the groceries in the car boot , together with the intense heat , had reduced some of them to a suppurating , soggy mess .
12 I think if you recall we had about er three days ' notice of that did n't we ?
13 Sangenic can take about three days ' supply of soiled nappies before it needs emptying .
14 The goodwill in this case maybe calculated on two to three years ' purchase of so-called absolute net profit ( ie net profit after allowing for the salary of a fully-qualified manager for each shop ) .
15 Arraigned on the same charge , Ren Wanding , the veteran human rights activist , who had previously been imprisoned for four years for his activities in the 1978-79 Democracy Movement , was given a more severe seven-year sentence with three years ' deprivation of political rights , having refused to show repentance for his " grave " crimes .
16 As far as grants are concerned , students who apply for a place are almost certain to have used at least three years ' worth of their local authority grant entitlement while studying at university or polytechnic , and may only be eligible for a further one-year entitlement if they have been accepted at a drama school .
17 The Uranium Institute , based in London , has calculated that the 816 tonnes of HEU that might be released from American and Soviet disarmament could take the place of 166,000 tonnes of natural uranium , roughly three years ' worth of world demand .
18 ( Research and development split between the two lines — currently 50–50 — will soon tip the balance in favour of AViiON , since three years ' worth of products are expected to be squeezed out of the last round of investment in the proprietary line . )
19 Jim is now the lucky owner of his third gold spray valve and now has three years ' supply of vegetarian burger bites .
20 By that time , the band will have three albums ' worth of material they 'll have never played live .
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