Example sentences of "'re the [num ord] [noun sg] i " in BNC.

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1 Still , I 'll say this for you : you 're the first Scotsman I 've met who 's prepared to put his hand in his pocket for a round of drinks . ’
2 I 'm sure if ever the occasion arises when I want advice on insurance , you 're the first person I 'll come to . ’
3 You 're the first person I 've said that to who said come back to me and said yes .
4 ‘ In fact … ’ she swallowed , realisation dawning on her as she met Guy 's intent appraisal ‘ … you 're the first person I 've told … ’
5 You 're the first woman I 've ever met who had the slightest idea what travelling light means .
6 ‘ But if you 'd like me to be rude , I can assure you you 're the last person I wanted to bump into . ’
7 You 're the last person I want to be near , Mr Wyatt . ’
8 ‘ Whatever it meant , you 're the last person I 'd share my thoughts and feelings with , ’ Maria flared , suddenly infuriated by the open scepticism she saw glinting in his eyes .
9 ‘ You 're the last person I 'd want . ’
10 You 're the last man I would — ’
11 ‘ I like the forgetting bit , but you can forget anything else — you 're the last man I 'd ever make love with . ’
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