Example sentences of "'re not [v-ing] to [be] " in BNC.

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31 So you 're not going to be able to see Shapinsay school for the trees very soon ?
32 Well no , but and I were just thinking well why ca n't it just be all things together that make us what we are and when you 're trying to find a single thing , the only single thing is the one , which is the unity and then there 's no differentiation but I do n't think that , that we are , we are our body as well and that then can affect the soul you know , if you , if you 've got a big nose and all your life people stare at you you 're gon na , you 're not going to be unaffected by it .
33 We 're not going to be touching plastics , because the market is n't in place yet .
34 Now we 're not going to be able to go out and check where , which way that every pound is spent .
35 Now rotations are frequently used in agriculture , and if you 're locked into a rotation , it does n't really matter what happens to current price , you 're not going to be able to af to change your output , right , because you 've got to er , keep into this , in this rotation .
36 I mean , you can even get a situation Chairman , where you 'll get some of the big multiples will tell a , will agree specifications with a food manufacturer , but they 're not going to be able to check on the ingredients , so even though the , the , the Sainsburys and the Marks and Spencers of this world say we do n't want any er , gen genetically modified ingredients going into anything that we 're going to buy , there 's no way that they can guarantee that before we 've even bought any .
37 " I know in your secret heart you want to come here and live with me but we 're not going to be two old maids mouldering away together .
38 I do n't , I think we must do , because it underlines it 's it 's as sp , it 's been a slow spiral down for these people , and we 're getting now , very near to the bottom where we 're not going to be able to help any of them at all .
39 What we have done is we have erm been able to utilise some A C T capacity or generate some A C T capacity within one of the subsidiaries within the group um the reason for highlighting it highlighting it is not particularly to make a song and dance about it but is particularly to say that on the cash flow statement there is this in-flood and it is a one off in-flood we 're not going to be seeing that being brought forward every year , but basically what it is is we have profits in previous elements of the group which enabled us to generate A C T capacity enabled us to off set this A C T which we paid on dividends and bringing forward earlier than we would otherwise have done .
40 Well the way you 've approached it there I guess you 're not going to be er sales director
41 If you 're a discounting person then you 're not going to be very popular with the guy
42 Do we see any difficulty in er in what were in effect saying , that the base says , we have no objection to the proposed wording from either the extra duties recognized in outline above , and they 're not going to be .
43 You 're not going to be very positive , certainly , are you .
44 Erm and their approach seems to be where we 're not going to be able to get our budget through .
45 Because the maintain that you need to le , a certain amount of time away from work to be able to cope with the situation that you 're in , and you 're , you 're not going to be at your best at the time when they want you there .
46 We 're talking here of protection , of they ca n't have waiver of premium because of ill-health , they 're not going to be able to have living assurance , so it , it 's not an option really for them to have one without the other , because it 's an automatic protection that , that really should be the basis of somebody 's package of their health commitment to have it .
47 Right , let's have er , er , so far , if you 're a bit slower , do n't worry about it , you 're not going to be asked to calculate these er , in your exam tomorrow .
48 Mm , yes , but the trouble is they 're not going to be interested in Europe , so they 're not , Western Europe .
49 We should n't just think we 're not going to be here in two years time , it 's somebody else 's problem , they 'll take over our debts .
50 but but then again if it 's dark you 're not going to be able to see those light footprints and whatever appearing and stuff
51 ‘ I hope you 're not going to be too bored — ’ he stopped , hand on the door ‘ — though perhaps I could drive you away by boredom ? ’
52 ‘ You 've had a bad start , and you 're not going to be over this illness in a couple of days , but I 'm sure you can beat it .
53 ‘ You 're not going to be sensible ? ’
54 ‘ You say you 're not going to be jealous or possessive .
55 The locations of the hotels in Barcelona was probably the biggest form of complaint … but I 'm sure we 're not going to be called upon to tredisgn the Spanish tourist industry .
56 If a person has become disabled through no fault of their own and they 're not going to be provided with a benefit which would compensate them for being out of work , they will suffer enormously . ’
57 Yes , but there 's no point you doing it that because it 's like , if they are a waste of space you 're not going to be able to get rid of them because you 've told them that they 're a waste of space , it needs to be something that 's much more positive , than just going round saying that .
58 ‘ However , I 'm afraid we 're not going to be given much time off until we 've sent the Huns back to Germany where they belong , with their tails between their legs . ’
59 I hope you 're not going to be feeling mean about it you know because
60 His mother had two sons , and she said they 're not going to be helpless , you 've lost it stupid .
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