Example sentences of "'re [v-ing] i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And if you 're imagining I pine for the delights of the conjugal bed now my wife 's left me , you 're a bit off-beam there , too .
2 ‘ I 'm not going to feel in the least reasonable while you 're forcing me to stay in this house , ’ she warned fiercely .
3 ‘ And you 're authorizing me to leave for Brussels , to handle the problem in any way I see fit ?
4 ‘ You 're expecting me to go without back-up . ’
5 Giving an account of it like this makes me feel as though you 're asking me to account for it , explain it for you .
6 ‘ You 're asking me to work round the police department here . ’
7 ‘ I 've told Myra you 've mistaken me for Dana and that you 're making me go with you to look for Garry , but she 's inclined to discount that — she 's building a romance round us . ’
8 ‘ You 're making me sound like Barbs , ’ protested Scarlet .
9 They 're telling me to go on the stage and act , but I ca n't do it , it 's the one thing Mum and Dad are dead set against . ’
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