Example sentences of "'re [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Right from the start you 're treated to huge dollops of Simon Avery 's erm , ‘ unique ’ humour .
2 I think we 've got to put them back under the home office and make sure they 're treated as young criminals and not as social cases .
3 Th we 're limited to solid tumours or patients that have an element of solid tumour on histology .
4 ‘ They 're registered as full-time students ? ’
5 It only takes a visit by the Prince and Princess of Wales to Japan , for example , and we 're inundated with Japanese tourists in Britain .
6 ‘ It goes on to say that they 're designated for marine use .
7 They 're decorated with blue leaves on a white base , or blue and white flowers on a blue background , and each has a cream fabric shade .
8 " It 's a symbolic desk , " Grout said , jabbing his finger at it , " It 's a symbolic desk because we 're sat on opposite sides of it , and that 's the way things 'll always be .
9 Be because they 're owned by Regional Railways and Re i if they lose money Regional Railways will .
10 There 's a serious , a serious side Lord Mayor , to that greeting cos I just looked at the number of companies that are owned this shareholders scheme that they like to promote , the number of companies that 're owned by foreign nationals .
11 Mr D'Avila says Labour will help people who 're trapped by high mortgages and the property crash .
12 Brownish grey in colour they 're recommended for freshwater tanks , but should be tested in low pH set ups with care as some may raise the pH .
13 Here , of course , weeds do have more space to grow , but they 're discouraged by constant cultivation .
14 Given the amount of calls and the fact that they 're telephoned in different areas it seems a lot of trouble to go through if it was a hoax .
15 Glasses are a girl 's best friend — particularly when they 're hung with mock rocks like thee .
16 So these have been made for us by Theakstons , they 're made of new oak with er instead of metal metal was used .
17 They 're made of white linen and are embroidered with the Imperial Crown .
18 We do n't do very good at reading and writing , but we 're made for physical things . ’
19 Try to avoid wearing tight fitting trousers or underwear , especially if they 're made from artificial fibres .
20 They 're , they 're built in remote places so you 've got all the , the er wild life around them and then you 've got er farmland which uses pesticide and stuff like , which kills off the insect life and to birds all young and stuff like that .
21 Some people think they 're connected with religious ceremonies , others that they have some kind of astronomical significance .
22 Garden centre managers need to know that wildflower seeds have to be grown from native stock ; that highly ornate ‘ mock-Tudor ’ nest-boxes put nestlings ' lives at risk by attracting predators ; that the natural balance of a pond is not best served by chemical algicides ; that salted peanuts are a killer for birds ; that eco-friendly insecticides are a contradiction in terms ; and that wildflowers and buddleias are little help to wildlife if they 're grown in peat-based compost .
23 After all , it 's in their interests to keep you going — if you 're pushed into total insolvency you become a worse debt to them .
24 You 're destined for big things obviously .
25 And I think that there is a very strong argument erm for getting women in the cabinet on the basis that if women are seen to be in the cabinet they are seen as competent , they 're seen as excellent politicians , and that 's why I go for a form of positive discrimination , which is that if you 've got two people who are equally well qualified , and if erm Mr Major decided that a man and a women were equally well qualified , then I think he should have chosen the woman erm
26 Interestingly , in this country , if erm you 're classified as manual worker , your peak income occurs in your forties .
27 Often they 're sold to rich businessmen in the Middle East , where falconry is a popular sport .
28 It does n't help when , as a child , your brother leads you to believe that they 're used as rubber pants for hamsters .
29 You qualify out of that as an acting corporal , then you 're used by other classes ; for example , as a helper or decoy in staged attacks .
30 We 'd compare this inside view of machismo with the deconstruction of masculinity in Scorsese 's films : in Taxi Driver , for example , we 're drawn into vicarious participation in a spectacular massacre , only for the camera to draw back and reveal the real carnage , suffering and shock that such an exercise of male power entails .
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