Example sentences of "down and [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 More than any other comfort his delighted kisses in return soothed her and eventually she was able to put him down and go into the kitchen to speak to Teresa about the day 's duties .
2 After a while , the bedroom door opened and they heard Mother and the visitor come down and go into the front room of the house .
3 When at last she put the receiver down and went into the kitchen she found that Edward had unpacked the shopping .
4 So I gingerly walked down and crept into the car realized that I was the one that had caused all that
5 BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL We can now make plastics which can break down and disappear into the soil .
6 The autumn colours come when the green pigment chlorophyll is broken down and re-absorbed into the tree .
7 She remembered , following the man 's visit , that she had sat dumb with rage , and had then rushed upstairs to his room , and every article belonging to him , even to his razor strop , she had brought down and thrown into the yard for the Saturday morning onslaught .
8 There are two ways to ensure this : one is to make sure that there is plenty of moisture-retentive organic bulk under each plant at planting time , and the second is a steady carrying down and mixing into the soil by worm action from a blanket cover on the soil surface , a cover that also drastically reduces evaporation .
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