Example sentences of "being [verb] [prep] [det] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 A professional regulatory body is being formed for those who qualify .
2 They had only wanted to reduce the political power of Charles I and prevent him being manipulated by those who sought to return England to the Roman Catholicism .
3 The design we are going to talk about is a DIY design in that , apart from a 555 timer and 4001 NOR gate chip , discretes are used to carry out the various circuit operations and the system is capable of being modified for those who like a starting point and then like to experiment .
4 THE 7,000 poll tax defaulters in Darlington should be taken to court in a bid to stop the cash being collected from those who have already paid , it was urged yesterday .
5 By allowing the Bill to pass through the House unamended in respect of premium rate services , they are condoning everything that is being done by those who for the past six years have been offering pornographic ’ services ’ .
6 The reshuffle was believed to be a delayed reaction to the events of mid-1989 , with promotions being secured by those who played a role in the military crackdown on student demonstrators .
7 And that is despite being named among those who are the lowest paid in the country .
8 The Rosebowl is presented to the overall winner with four Merit Awards being granted to those who have achieved the highest standards of workmanship .
9 Far from being lectured by those who 're making millions out of privatization .
10 In recent years , the life-history technique has had a revival in sociological research , being used by those who wish to develop ‘ oral history ’ .
11 But their task is being sabotaged by those who have war in their sights .
12 It warned that : ‘ One wallow does n't make a summer ’ , a reference to the misleading optimism being gleaned by those who kept harking back to Ireland 's great performance in the World Cup .
13 It may do this to prevent the securities affiliate from being sued by those who invested in Company X on the basis of its negligent advice .
14 Other writers answered the question of the universality of sign language with less certainty : ‘ though all nations do not use the same mode of signs , one having a knowledge of the signs herein delineated will experience little , if any difficulty in understanding other modes , and of being understood by those who use a different mode ’ ( Michaels , quoted in Battison and Jordan , 1976 : 54 ) .
15 At present , too many of the sacrifices are being borne by those who , for the sake of posterity , should least be called upon to make them .
16 Asylum procedures exist to ensure the protection of those genuinely at risk , but they are in danger of being undermined by those who see them as an alternative channel for immigration .
17 Only six respondents were in favour of training being restricted to those who had been trained to provide it .
18 Doctors in Sweden compared babies who were allowed to stay on their mother 's tummy for an hour without being interrupted with those who were removed after 20 minutes .
19 The stated reason for doing so is that an increasing number of cardholders are paying their bill at the end of each month , pay nothing for the card , and are therefore being subsidised by those who do use the credit facility .
20 Secondly , the student volunteers to become a nurse and therefore consents to being guided by those who know what is required .
21 It 's one aspect to the hobby which spreads our good name around the area , thus counteracting the mud being thrown by those who would consider responsible detectorists in a different light .
22 This is because the fine detail of equivalence and exemption in the world of FE and vocational training is being handled by those who have a direct involvement in that field alone .
23 While it is important that we take stock of and combat the fraudulent ways in which we are being described by those who oppose us , we should not be unmindful or insensitive to what we are saying about ourselves , of how we are describing who-we-are .
24 Nevertheless it is an utterance of the Amis who has made himself known on other occasions , and it can be none the worse for being read by those who are able and disposed to pay intelligent attention to this range of information — which is not to imply that the information may not be disastrously misunderstood .
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