Example sentences of "being [verb] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This oast-house conversion is rather unusual in that four kilns or ‘ roundels ’ are attached to the central storage shed , a pair being placed on both sides of this building , giving a symmetrical composition .
2 The testers might have got a clue from this that such a question was entirely artificial , constructed out of test situations and irrelevant to children who did not go to school and so were not used to being exposed to such tests .
3 With different rolls being exposed to several subjects of different contrasts this is still possible with APE 100 and Rodinal if the developer is used at different dilutions .
4 There would be no " blanket de-collectivization " , and profitable collective and state farms would be allowed to continue in the context of equal opportunities being given to all forms of farm ownership .
5 Reorganization is fitted into a model which already exists without sufficient attention always being given to those parts which do not fit very well .
6 Both linesmen and the referee had poor games with bad off-sides decisions being given against both sides .
7 After the Bulgarian game he was being likened to such legends as Rivera , Mazzola , Zico and even Maradona .
8 She argued that if women were paid the same as men " it would result in many women being dismissed from many trades " , and also accepted without demur , when giving evidence to the Fair Wages Committee a few years later , the proposition that women were satisfied with less money because they were earning " pin money " if married , and " pocket money " if not.38 With such pessimism about equal pay entrenched in the mind of their organizers , with such low evaluation being set on their work , one might argue that it would have been surprising if a militant women 's union could really be organized in the prevailing atmosphere .
9 The traditional forest cultivators are now being joined in many parts of the world by subsistence peasants , new arrivals , pushing further and further into the forest , often along paths or tracks cut by lumbermen .
10 Nearly half those who killed themselves were suffering from mental illness , most of those were being treated for those problems when they died .
11 More patients are being treated in more specialities and with more up-to-date methods than ever before — a reflection of the hard work and high levels of professionalism of the staff who serve the people of Darlington and Teesdale . ’
12 More patients are being treated in more specialities and with more up-to-date methods than ever before a reflection of the hard work and high levels of professionalism of the staff who serve the people of Darlington and Teesdale . ’
13 Repeated presentation of a given stimulus , therefore , will allow a network of links to be established among the elements that go to make it up ( particularly strong links being formed among those elements that tend to be sampled frequently ) .
14 The rule is that EC competition law takes precedence over UK law , though this has not prevented merger cases being examined by both jurisdictions ( e.g. British Airways/British Caledonian , 1987 ) .
15 Excellent study days and short courses on ward teaching are now being arranged in some Schools of Nursing .
16 Mr Balfour had ridden on a motor car from Downing Street to the House of Commons , the start being witnessed by several members of the government .
17 It condemned " the hostile campaign being waged in some quarters to harm the credibility and legitimacy of the PLO 's representation of the Palestinian people " .
18 According to the King the war was being waged against all Arabs and Moslems .
19 Among the ideas being floated by those owners who see television as their saviour are an expansion of the National and American leagues from two divisions each to three divisions each ; the introduction of regular season games between clubs in the two leagues ; and the involvement of eight clubs , rather than the present four , in play-off games at the end of the season .
20 Over the centuries the best Italian architects , Solari , Amadeo , Pelligrino Tibaldi ( known as Il Pellegrini ) and Richini , worked on the building , although the façade was actually finished by Carlo Amati , the final stage being completed after many years of inactivity , and only after Napoleon took an interest in the building .
21 It builds on research which is already being undertaken in these centres and compares the involvement of citizens and local leaders in the politics and administration of a number of different communities in Britain and France .
22 ‘ A highlighter — two tones lighter than your normal foundation — can define cheekbones , make eyes look bigger and slim down a nose merely by being blended into these areas .
23 prisons , being regarded by most planners and politicians as ‘ non-productive ’ ( short-sighted a view as this may be ) , did not until very recently achieve even token inclusion in a Five Year Plan , and this came only after a lengthy battle by individuals within the Ministries of Home Affairs and Welfare to include a meaningful package for development in the correctional field .
24 As yet , there is no single standard version of Unix , but an increasing number of application software packages are being developed for these computers .
25 The art of mime was developed by the commedia dell'arte and is still being developed by such artists as Marcel Marceau and the mime theatres of Poland and Czechoslovakia .
26 Its use was being developed in these areas in the twelfth century .
27 The high esteem in which gold has been held in most parts of the world , the relative ease with which it can be wrought and not least its capacity for combining with other desirable things have led to its being favoured above all others for jewellery , objects of parade and a variety of insignia of status .
28 This sample is being traced through such sources as the Registrar of Births and Deaths , and was identified again in 1981 .
29 Subject to a special fee being prescribed for some applications , the plaint fee includes all other interlocutory applications ( see Appendix II to County Court Fees Order 1982 as amended — at back of book ) .
30 It is up to local authorities , but I believe the extra grant , the extra spending permission , means that a good quality education can be delivered to children in Wales er without it in any way being jeopardised by these proposals and I would illustrate later on in my speech that local government does have considerable flexibility to spend wisely and well and it has resources at its disposal to do a good job .
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