Example sentences of "even if it is [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , even if it is a small field , all they have really learned is to position themselves by habit , using the local landmarks to help .
2 This is the best that can be hoped for , even if it is a long way from a fully satisfying life .
3 However , even if it is a matter of putting different variables in boxes on a sheet of paper and following through likely relationships qualitatively — a far cry from what is usually meant by systems analysis — it is a further intellectual advance on the black box approach to ‘ social factors ’ .
4 There is no value in identifying a problem — even if it is a real one that matches the criteria given in 1 , 2 , and 3 — if you can do nothing about it .
5 Did you at the time see the celebration of sexuality — even if it is a boy masturbating over an advertisement in a newspaper — as a kick in the eye of oppressive forces in the church ?
6 The act must be ‘ judicial ’ ; if it is not within the functions of the judiciary in the State of execution , e.g. conducting conciliation in matrimonial proceedings or valuing property , the Request may be refused ( even if it is a judicial act in the requesting State ) .
7 However , if the scribes really had used variants ‘ at will ’ , we would actually be unable to read the texts , as there would be no system in the spelling ; but there must always be some order in any spelling system that we can read , even if it is a variable system .
8 Although I have great respect for W. 's consultant and for the dedication of the staff , it seems to me that they have been manoeuvred into a position from which a change is necessary , even if it is a change that carries the risk of interpretation by W. as ‘ yet another adult rejection and failure . ’
9 Even if it is a sort of solution to the problem it is unlikely to he the simplest or the cheapest .
10 On the other hand the possibility of equity financing , even if it is a preferred company option , is often determined by matters external to the company , such as the state of the global equity market .
11 Do this by tying up the ball valve ( so the kitchen tap still operates ) and opening the cold taps even if it is a hot tap which is being rewashered .
12 Both may be guessing , although the Encomiast is reasonably well-informed on the campaigns late in Æthelred II's reign , and William 's report of mixed methods need not be far wrong , even if it is a guess ; the armies which troubled England over the long period between c.985 and 1016 do often seem to have comprised the warbands of a number of men , are unlikely to have been organised and commanded solely by Danish kings , did not consist entirely of Danes , and frequently appear to have been motivated mainly by a desire for booty .
13 Here is the first of he gifs and its a bloody good one too , even if it is a bit big ; - ) 400k+ .
14 In contrast , unrestricted-use credit is where the debtor has the control over the application of the loan , and this is so even if it is a term of the loan contract that he must apply the money to a specified purpose ( CCA 1974 , s.11(3) ) .
15 However , s14(3) comes into its own where the purpose in question is not a common one , or even if it is a common one the goods are fit for some other common purpose thereby making them merchantable .
16 The treatment has saved Tina 's baby ; even if it is a little uncomfortable .
17 Even if it is a genuine invitation , circumstances would have to change before I would accept . ’
18 Either way it seems like we , even if it is a problem it 's Paul
19 However , when he is transferred to a strange yard with different handlers , even if it is a good establishment , his natural nervous temperament will reappear , explaining why so many new owners think their horse may have been drugged when they bought it .
20 Even if it is the true , it must sound vain .
21 c ‘ Even if it is the best tree-house I 've ever seen . ’
22 Slimbridge , in southern England , whatever the direction they are taken away they initially fly north-west , even if it is the opposite direction from home ( Figure 4.7 ) .
23 ‘ Twelve months later the conclusion is that the race does n't always go to the swift — even if it is the way the bookmaker bets , ’ commented Mike Gaston , the station 's managing director , who took over running the company just a year ago .
24 ‘ Or even if it is the right .
25 A novice is expected to show the degree of skill exhibited by a junior doctor , even if it is the first day on the job .
26 Finally , the credibility of the authorities , even if it is an intangible quality , can produce tangible effects .
27 As Midgley makes clear , discussions of natural sex differences can never be simply a neutral issue , even if it is an empirical one , since one still has to consider what consequences should follow from the differences one has discovered .
28 Perhaps I don " t see the joke , but the rendering into German on p. 97 of : Is rugby a game for men with odd shaped balls ? does not work with " Eier " , even if it is an informal variant of " testicles " ( it also means " ovum " ! ) , because it does not mean " ball " as well .
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