Example sentences of "even if it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There are many who will conclude that , by a slim margin ’ , the arguments for war are stronger , ‘ even if it is conducted by an unsavoury set of powerful states ’ .
2 Even if it is stopped by the guard , you can drop the kicking leg quickly to the mat and push the opponent over it .
3 My hypothesis is that there is a space for a socialist argument in favour of investment planning ; that such an argument could be presented in such a way as to appeal to organised labour and even to broader strata of the population concerned about employment prospects and their standard of living in retirement ; that if organised workers were to support the proposal they could use their union organisation to press for social accountability of their savings funds ; and that if the proposals were not linked to a ‘ dogmatic ’ pursuit of nationalisation they would stand a chance of recruiting some support from the more progressive elements of the state and corporate salariat — those whose technical expertise would be required in any such project , even if it is overlaid with oppressive ‘ professional ’ and ‘ managerial ’ ideologies — helping to isolate , so far as possible , reactionary financier elements .
4 You have a beautiful skin , soft and lustrous , even if it is covered up . ’
5 The jury is still out on the Criminal Justice Act , even if it is swinging towards the negative rather than the positive .
6 Incidentally , the generic name always starts with a capital letter , and the specific name with a small one , even if it is named after Jones .
7 Climbing is second nature to all small felines and it is virtually impossible for a cat to switch off its urge to climb , even if it is punished for doing so .
8 But even if it is created by the new Warhol , will such explicit portraiture sell ?
9 But the charge that sterling policy was the main cause of the British predicament is more difficult to sustain , even if it is made part of a vicious circle of poor performance .
10 Even if it is accepted that there is now overwhelming evidence that we possess a body clock , it will appear to have little use .
11 However , even if it is accepted that IIAs are marginal to the prospects of urban economic development and employment creation , it seems evident that some approaches to industrial improvement are more successful than others .
12 However , even if it is accepted that treaties do not perform a single function and should not all be subject to the same rules , there remains the threshold question of how treaties are best conceptualised and categorised .
13 For even if it is accepted ( ignoring , or rejecting , any arguments to the contrary ) that spatio-temporal relations are not , or not wholly , explicable in terms of intrinsic and qualitative properties of related things , there still remains the problem of accounting for the objectivity of such relations .
14 Even if all this is granted , even if it is accepted that higher education and with it the roles of teacher and student are in principle separate from the world of research , the sceptic still has one final card to play .
15 Even if it is accepted that a substantial proportion of any given unemployment rate is Keynesian in origin , Euro-pessimists fear that any expansion of demand to reduce such unemployment will hit up against supply-side constraints .
16 It is still important to see if specifying an age range could be indirect discrimination and it is important to bear in mind that differential age criteria are always likely to be direct discrimination even if it is based on the unequal state pension age .
17 But even if it is broken , the treatment will be the same .
18 Nonetheless , even if it is insisted that some degree of regularity is normally required , there are situations where the first transaction entered into by a supplier can be treated as being made in the course of business , for example , one-off adventures integral to a business activity .
19 Even if it is assumed that actual bodily harm has been inflicted in these circumstances , the defendant has inflicted it during intercourse but has not inflicted it in order to have or continue having sexual intercourse .
20 To get in on the educational field one must parrot the latest jargon even if it is rejected by ‘ one ’ .
21 ‘ A bad argument remains a bad argument even if it is repeated a thousand times . ’
22 Obviously positive inflation may remain a feature of this hypothetical economy even if it is operating at the natural unemployment rate ( i.e. owing to the persistence of inflationary expectations .
23 This applies even if it is described as a ‘ reimbursement ’ .
24 She has monopolized your attention ; even if it is scolding it is rewarding ( after all the behaviour is as persistent as ever ) .
25 He said quite , quote , in my experience people who have access to , or are offered this level of care , even if it 's even if it is started , it is rarely continued for more than a few months .
26 The Bureau wants the freedom to listen to any phone call , even if it is encoded or encrypted ; not only this , it wants to make the telephone companies bear the cost of letting it do so .
27 It 's no excuse that the salesman did not know what the customer planned to do with the recorder , even if it is labelled with a warning about not taping copyright records or films .
28 In ‘ Shake , Rattle and Roll ’ , even if it is interpreted as totally devoid of the non-formulaic ( far-fetched , once one listens carefully to performance nuances ) , the collectivizing repetitions can take on a positive cultural significance , in the context of use by young working-class dancers .
29 I wonder if that is fair , even if it is going to ease the burden on hard-up viewers ?
30 So frays will not be confused with phrase , and pint will be understood correctly as referring to beer or milk , even if it is read aloud incorrectly .
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