Example sentences of "even [subord] i [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 In any case , I 'd do it even if I had a job .
2 " Even if I had a book coming out this year , which I have n't .
3 You would n't leave here even if I gave a direct order . ’
4 ‘ I use a condom even if I have a long-term relationship , ’ she has said .
5 Omar was a devout Muslim and like the best Somalis was proud and fearless , though he proved to be remarkably tactful and forbearing whenever I was impatient or angry , and always upheld my authority even when I made a mistake .
6 Not even when I got a new baby was it .
7 Even though I put a lot of work into the gigs , I was not foolish enough to believe they were important when we were playing to 40 people in London .
8 The second sense mentioned by Cotte is " permission given " , and can be illustrated by a sentence such as : ( 215 ) The doctor let me donate blood for my father even though I had a mild case of the flu .
9 I 'm gon na do the eyes when it 's finished because the white went all splodgy cos I could n't get the brush in even though I had a tiny brush .
10 ‘ Fastest in the business , even though I got a handicap now . ’
11 My friends have other sports but I like the boxing even though I get a bit of stick of my friends about being hard . ’
12 Even though I have a four-arm tension mast , this does n't help when the yarn tangles up and wo n't go through .
13 With this came the decision to specialise in watercolour , even though I have a natural tendency towards the oil painter 's way of thinking .
14 Even though I have a degree in Bio-chemistry I still could n't get a place at medical school in Britain .
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