Example sentences of "even [subord] it [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Christian view of life , death and afterlife as a continuum not only supplied a happy ending to the human story , but could also ‘ justify God 's ways to man ’ , in so far as the good man would be rewarded for a well-spent life , even if it seemed to have been dogged by misfortune .
2 So even if it managed to escape from the scientists ' clutches in Britain , it could not turn into another exotic pest , like the mink in Britain or the rabbit in Australia .
3 Even if it had gone rotten . ’
4 It is difficult to see how this Conference could " possibly have approved fusion ; even if it had done , half the constituencies would probably have refused to implement the decision .
5 Classic Maya civilization appears to have collapsed some 600 years before the Spanish conquest of Central America , but even if it had survived it seems inevitable that the Maya obsession with time would have remained a historical curiosity with no influence on the modern world .
6 Even if it had survived , it is a moot point how long this bias would have been tolerated by West Germany .
7 And she also reminded herself that even if it had included a kiss it did n't mean a thing — especially as it had come from a man who was living in the outback to get away from women .
8 ‘ If I had n't known you could by last night , ’ she retorted , ‘ I 'd have got me a spare staff nurse even if it had meant taking this bloody hospital apart .
9 Penelope 's way home took her along St Basil 's Terrace , or if it had not done she would have arranged her journey to include it , even if it had meant a slight detour .
10 ‘ I would have had to have come to some arrangement with Janice — separate houses , separate lives — and taken on the job of looking after Kirsty myself , even if it had meant giving up my job . ’
11 He worried about that , but even if it had succeeded simply because it was just another of the ridiculous and unbelievable antics in a ‘ Carry On ’ film , succeed it did .
12 By further eroding the definition of spiritualia , the regalian exploitation of episcopal vacancies was now so extended that Edward claimed to fill livings — vicarages as well as rectories — emptied during an episcopal vacancy retrospectively , even if it had occurred during his father 's reign .
13 She had never really forgotten any of it , of course , how could she forget something that had consumed her so completely , even if it had lasted such a short time ?
14 Even if it does go outside , there is little to hunt on the manicured lawns , and no serious threat from feline neighbours .
15 However , this level of unreasonableness is hardly the norm , and even if it does exist would be difficult to prove .
16 But with the last cut in the discount and Lombard rates in early February , and further reductions expected in the coming months , it clearly recognises the need for lower rates even if it does adhere to its policy of small steps .
17 And even if it does capture a market , there is always the risk it may find itself losing customers to cheaper rivals , such as tempeh and tofu , once the initial suspicions of meat alternatives are overcome .
18 A reputation for being fair , just , reasonable and courageous is worth winning even if it does mean occasionally upsetting some people .
19 ‘ I think the picture is excellent , ’ she declares with touching , if shortsighted , loyalty , though she admits she was n't over the moon about the trailer promoting ‘ The bitch is back ! ’ even if it does refer to the mother alien monster .
20 Reality , though , need not be as hopeless as we think , even if it does appear to take longer to recover from injuries and the task of regaining fitness seems to take an eternity .
21 Nothing wrong with that , you might think , even if it does represent more than 70 times last year 's earnings — a price-earnings ratio of Japanese proportions .
22 That looks pricey , missing both the personal computer and sub-$5,000 price points the company has been talking about , even if it does offer more floating point performance than Intel Corp 's high-end 486DX-50 chip .
23 There are a number of suitable subjects , all of which should do reasonably well , even if it does get cool .
24 They 've sacrificed some of their originality for a more ‘ contemporary ’ sound , yet it 's encouraging that they show such willingness to innovate — even if it does sound as if they 're still stumbling through the undergrowth .
25 ‘ On the contrary , it 's because … dash it , I 'll say it even if it does sound sloppy !
26 erm you know even if it does come in late so we can say oh yes I remember this person sort of thing , you know
27 As the B-1R is , after all , designed to be racked , it looks a bit daft sitting on top of the 4x10 , even if it does allow you to whack all the necessary connections together in about thirty seconds flat .
28 Even if it does happen , it does not force the conclusion that speaker 1 has monitored speaker 2 's speech and made an assessment of how often speaker 2 uses that variant .
29 ‘ It 's very difficult to do because if you are n't careful you just write down a series of platitudes , but I think that a statement of aims and beliefs is very necessary even if it does look platitudinous . ’
30 See Dentdale in summer when the hay meadows are on fire with wild flowers and the roadsides are crowded with the pale lilac of the bell flowers and you will find it hard to disagree with one early writer 's description of Dentdale as " an earthly paradise " , even if it does have a vampire buried in its churchyard .
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