Example sentences of "even [subord] you have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This can be so even where you have not had to shop around for a more favourable report .
2 even if you 've not got paid .
3 They were watching , because a machine rolling around by itself is something that you do watch , even if you 've just had to climb a tree or hide behind a hedge .
4 Even if you 've never attempted embroidery before you 'll find this tablecloth easy to make .
5 And now , even if you 've never so much as threaded a needle before , you can create beautiful items with the help of the new generation of computerised sewing machines from New Home .
6 If it is even if you 've never heard of them before you know sort of funnium carbonate or something
7 Even if you 've only got one horsepower , knowledge and skill are necessary in order to handle a horse properly .
8 Even if you 've only got an XT with a paltry 640Kb of RAM you can use TrueType fonts
9 You had no right to be ashamed of me , and I knew that all along , remember , even if you 've only just discovered it , so I did n't see why I should pander to your wish to keep our affair a secret , ’ she confessed defiantly .
10 ‘ I would , of course , have called on you later even if you had n't telephoned .
11 When you get to about 13 or 14 , you begin to realize that your colour , even if you had n't thought about it much , means that other people are going to be different to you .
12 Even if you had n't been way out there , you had no right to make something from my personal life the grounds for dismissal . ’
13 You 'd get a lot more for outright murder , even if you had n't meant to do it .
14 You gave me to understand that even if you had not had your accident you would almost certainly not have come to France to see him at the end . ’
15 There was a Haydnish sonata , a gentle piano tracking up and back in patterns which you could half anticipate even if you 'd never heard the piece before .
16 Some local authorities also assume you 're getting family credit , even if you have n't claimed it , and so reduce your housing benefit .
17 Some local authorities also assume you 're getting family credit , even if you have n't claimed it , and so reduce your housing benefit .
18 Some local authorities also assume you 're getting family credit , even if you have n't claimed it , and so reduce your housing benefit .
19 With Elton , the joy of it is that at least you 're quite familiar with a lot of the stuff , and even if you have n't actually sat down and worked through it you know how the songs go .
20 Today , even if you have n't got it , oh-so-egalitarian America is saying it 's OK to flaunt it .
21 And remember — you 're responsible for the money even if you have n't had a notice .
22 EVEN if you have n't read the enchanting novel on which THE POWER OF ONE ( Cert PG ; General ) is based , I think you 'll still be disappointed .
23 The first thing to remember is that you have not necessarily lost your place even if you have n't quite made the grades required .
24 And it 's always a good idea to let them think you 've got better enchantments in your armoury than you actually have , if you take my meaning , even if you have n't got any enchantments at all .
25 Even if you have n't got one .
26 Even if you have n't a pool , a large bucket of water can be just as good if you have the right kind of toys .
27 I 'm my own man and that 's very important in these times , even if you have n't had the problems I 've had , and you have n't , because that 's perfectly obvious , you 're sitting there and asking me the questions .
28 You can indeed Daphne , so there you are Rosemary do plant some shrub roses and even if you have n't got room for all of our suggestions I hope you 'll find room for two or three of them .
29 and which newspapers you think , even if you have n't made a final decision
30 Right , yeah so erm you know I mean that 's probably the best thing to do if you try and , try and at least keep up to date with the rest of this term and er you know not er make sure , even if you have n't been to a class at least you know what went , went on there from somebody
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