Example sentences of "even [subord] [pron] [vb past] she " in BNC.

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1 Some expressed the fear that she would be humiliated if she carried on , or that even if she won she would be leading a demoralised party .
2 And even if she did she 'd hardly be likely to tell me — it would have been gossip .
3 And even if she did she 'd never get her hands dirty helping in a kitchen ! ’
4 Even before he turned she knew who it was .
5 With what remained of her objective consciousness Louisa strove to tell herself that this encounter was not of her reality , not of her willing … but even as she struggled she felt herself drawn under the influence of a mind at once alien and familiar — a mind resolute to lacerate its own fine sensibility , and with a perverse , intellectual sang-froid .
6 When the old man had wandered upstairs again , with a book under his arm , Clara whispered " Who Was that ? " and even as she Whispered she realized that it could be no other than the book shops owner , and added hastily , " That must be A. I Warbley , I suppose ? "
7 She 'd been so caught up in her thoughts that the voice near her side came as a shock , but even as she turned she realised the words had n't been aimed at her .
8 Even as she spoke she knew she was being a hypocrite .
9 Even as she spoke she was taking a fleecy rose-coloured towel out of the linen press , turning on the water , unscrewing a flask of bath essence which perfumed the rising steam .
10 But even as she spoke she found herself wondering about the way she 'd reacted to his kisses ; if anyone should be well armed to protect themselves against the attractions of a man like Dane , she should .
11 Yet even as she spoke she knew that her grandmother would not fall asleep , not tonight she would n't .
12 But even as she spoke she recalled his handing in her key and speaking to the clerk , then both of them looking across at her .
13 Even as she spoke she was gripped by a niggling feeling of premonition .
14 But even as she fumed she could see the sense in his ploy — nobody would be suspicious of his frequent presence in the nightclub if they thought he had something going with Rory .
15 But even as she seethed she knew it was not true .
16 Mr Jones said : ‘ Even when she knew she was dying , her concern was for other people , not herself .
17 But even when he left she did n't dare unpeg herself : she just lay still and waited .
18 Even when he knew she was speaking the truth about Dana he would continue to think she was out for all she could get , and she had only herself to blame .
19 Even though she knew she was playing with fire , knew exactly how vulnerable she was , Shannon wanted to laugh in his arrogant face .
20 She turned away , feeling sick at heart , even though she knew she should be glad .
21 She winced , surprised to find how much she was hurt by the stinging acid in his voice , even though she knew she 'd brought it on herself .
22 Now she was using her pathetic pleading little voice , the one that still could affect him even though he knew she was performing , using all the tricks she used to keep her place as the most important member of her bloody drama group .
23 She looked away from him , a faint blush beginning at her jawline , and he knew she was referring to the fact that he had not betrayed her , even though he knew she had lied about being with her mother in Wales .
24 Even though I knew she would soon be in England , I also knew that she was n't going to live with us but with my cousins in Nottingham , and I guess I was sad about that .
25 I meant it as well , even though I knew she 'd miss the hang-gliding .
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