Example sentences of "even [conj] they be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Rather , it is to emphasise that their members are in general uninformed about it ; and that even where they are not uninformed , they are for the most part unversed in it .
2 Even where they are not , her great houses should always ideally be theatres of hospitality , seats of self-fruition , and the comfortablest part of life .
3 Sellers in a strong bargaining position will attempt to impose such a clause even where they are not obliged to supply the forecast requirements .
4 Even where they are not directly linked to major matters of public policy , industrial relations may have a political resonance far beyond their apparent importance , entering the terrain of political symbolism : as exemplified perhaps by the gesture of Franco in intervening to prevent the closure of a railway workshop in Andalucía ( Sur , 30 March 1968 ) .
5 He and his group Dinosaur Jr have come to epitomise the check flannel shirts and guitar-amps-to-11 movement , even although they are far superior to their increasingly unimaginative clones .
6 For instance , if father has lost his job , whispered conversations about money worries , which break off as soon as children come near , may give them the idea that a terrible disaster is about to strike , or even that they are too insignificant to be taken into their parents ' confidence .
7 Perhaps it will come as no surprise to my readers to hear not only that all knowledge of selling me a coffin was denied but even that they were now , or ever had been , coffin-manufacturers .
8 Despite the exceptions , it seems better in many ways to attempt to produce some stress rules ( even if they are rather crude and inaccurate ) than to claim that there is no rule or regularity in English word stress .
9 For example , a sufferer from alcoholism who still used sleeping tablets , a sufferer from any of the eating disorders who is not physically abstinent from sugar and white flour , a sufferer from workaholism who exchanges work for physical exercise in similar quantities and a sufferer from the family disease who still searches incessantly for treatment or other solutions to the problems of the primary sufferer rather than accept his or her own powerlessness over the lives of other people and accept the need for personal recovery , are all still in the active phase of the disease even if they are regularly attending meetings of an appropriate Anonymous Fellowship .
10 Even if they are n't for my eyes , ’ he had added with a twinkle .
11 I did n't get any say in the matter of how big or which brand it was , but the barmaid smiled sweetly and said ‘ Merci ’ when I paid her , because they all pretend to be French even if they are n't .
12 This is something everyone wonders when starting out , even if they are not intending to make a living out of acting .
13 The person who makes the arrangements with the funeral director may be considered to have entered into a binding contract , and become responsible for the cost , even if they are not related to the deceased .
14 Contact your ward councillor and try to interest him or her — even if they are not on the committee they may be able to influence the councillors who will take the decision .
15 A team to be watched , even if they are not crowd pullers .
16 ( At present , securities houses offer their private clients the best price in the market , even if they are not offering it on their screens . )
17 This is an important tendency among many labouring class poets of the eighteenth century even if they are not agricultural workers .
18 Many people find it difficult to realise how great a value they have even If they are not beautiful , clever or rich .
19 Now I would say the welfare of those animals is less good because of that ; even if they are not being challenged by a disease .
20 All men even if they are not so fortunate as to be scientists or artists have still within them the capability to transform their lives into ones of creativity .
21 ‘ .. where local roads are purely residential roads , even if they are not culs-de-sac , there seems to be no reason not to extend this approach to them if desired .
22 Even if they are not visibly disabled , some elderly people reach a stage in their lives when slight muscular weakness and general frailty , combined with a natural anxiety about crossing roads or being jostled off their feet in crowded places , makes going out difficult for them .
23 There are many other books , even if they are not in quite so exclusive a category , that are unlikely to be found in any form at all ; to take a miscellaneous selection , Wordsworth 's and Coleridge 's Lyrical Ballads ( 1798 ) ; the suppressed first edition of Alice in Wonderland ( 1865 ) ; the first edition , first issue , of Fergus ( Ferguson Wright ) Hume 's Mystery of a Hansom Cab ( 1886 ) , John Bunyan 's Book for Boys and Girls : or , Country Rhimes for Children ( 1686 ) and Edgar Allan Poe 's Tamerlane ( 1827 ) .
24 Even if they are not moving , it is still a charming way of saying ‘ thank you ’ .
25 God still requires obedience to parents even if they are not Christians .
26 In many parts of the world , inoculations are advisable even if they are not required for entry .
27 But over most of the period covered in this book there are continuous records of some sets of figures , even if they are not always reliable .
28 Even if we are assured that the creatures in question are not in any pain , some people will prolong the argument either by insisting that they must be in some sort of distress , or by claiming that even if they are not overtly suffering , what is happening to them is cruel and unwarranted exploitation .
29 Most researchers start from the assumption that it is morally wrong to conduct research on people who do not know that they are being studied , and will therefore tell them at least that they are writing a book , even if they are not wholly frank about what the book is going to be about .
30 Even if they are not Mercury subscribers , indirectly-connected customers of Callink will be offered the same level of service as those who subscribe to Mercury .
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