Example sentences of "between them [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You switch between them using a memory — resident utility .
2 Jay swore she would behave herself , awkward in Lucy 's tidy living room , her table between them had a map of the world on it .
3 In 1980 the Royal Academy of Music , the Royal College of Music , Trinity College of Music , the Royal Northern College of Music and the Birmingham School of Music between them had a total of 1688 students .
4 However , the Moderati of the Clavicles between them control a macro-cannon riding high on our carapace , and a defence laser too …
5 The sex scenes between them caused a sensation .
6 The three great grain stations were La Chapelle-lntérieure , La Plaine-Saint-Denis , and Saint Ouen-les-Docks , which between them received a quarter of all the grain and a fifth of all the flour brought into Paris by train .
7 Hitherto , confident reports from senior commanders and censorship had between them created an impression of light losses , but great numbers of prisoners taken .
8 Indeed , utilitarianism and Kant 's ethic of duty for duty 's sake are usually seen as the two great extremes of moral theory , the line between them representing a continuum on which most moral philosophies with a positive theory of what is right and wrong can be placed .
9 The site at Jelling now consists of two turf mounds , and between them stand a stone church and the rune stones , the larger of which weighs nearly ten tons .
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