Example sentences of "our [noun] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Special Branch man could n't believe his eyes as all our clobber went into the plane at Elstree .
2 We discover this when we try to walk towards the cliffs , our progress hindered by the occasional disappearing foot and accompanying staccato shout of Shit !
3 Only their opening wish is new : ‘ Would that we had died when our brethren died before the Lord ! ’
4 and our heart leaped to the spark , one fell
5 Our discussions ranged through the whole spectrum of life , from the sublime to the trivial , and while I do not now remember many of the conclusions that we reached then , the quality of that communication is still with me .
6 We stood in the doorway for a while until our eyes adjusted to the darkness and then , stooping low to avoid the worst of the smoke , we made our way through the crowd to a space that had been cleared for us close to the fire .
7 Our teenagers laughed at the suggestion that maybe dad could help .
8 After several weeks of hard work by Ken and Paul Lucas , Tim and Steve Wallace and Richard Newcombe , our museum opened to the public on 18th July 1992 .
9 Mr Chairman , the traffic problem has been with us for many years as our village existed before the motor car .
10 John said he 's going to get you one of those T-shirts , I get one anyway if you wan na try sit there all morning after yesterday , you think our Jeanie went to the court ?
11 A lot of our joy came from the growth and development of our students . "
12 Perhaps our wine fell into the hands of looters , though we were on the Pakistani side and Muslims are n't supposed to touch alcohol . ’
13 Our nightgowns lay on the floor where you fell to your knees
14 Our problems started on the first pitch .
15 Every muscle in our bodies ached under the strain .
16 It was almost as if the Israelis were saying ‘ if you think the Palestinians are suffering , see how more than six million of our people died at the hands of the Nazis ’ .
17 The steward closed the door behind him and our shadows danced against the wall as we stood transfixed looking at the coffin lid , half-expecting it to be pushed aside and the corpse to rise and step out .
18 So when our Lord spoke about the Kingdom of Heaven being at hand , he was referring to its being qualitatively present .
19 As his eyes began to focus , Our Father took in the vast emptiness before him .
20 When he had recovered , Our Father squeezed through the cleft into the cave .
21 Finally , on a bright sunny morning , our train chugged along the wide expanse of the Fraser River and Vancouver Inlet to that great city itself .
22 yeah , we 've lost an enormous amount of staff probably a third of our staff disappeared in the last twelve months , and I think y you we must recognise it 's bound to make an impact and here we are sitting here feeling a bit shell shocked and that 's no doubt one of the contributory factors .
23 ‘ That weakness in our game showed against the Swedes .
24 Most of our players came from the leagues and clubs .
25 If it is correct that our trilobite lived above the sea bottom , actively swimming in the water , there are certain predictions we can make about its geological occurrence which can be tested by looking in the rocks .
26 We became ‘ best friends ’ as schoolgirls do , pushing our babies to the park together on fine afternoons and on wet ones , sitting in each other 's flats drinking whisky — how we afforded it I can not now imagine — while our babies played behind the sofa .
27 We had a cost of living bonus and er our wages rose with the cost of living er every month , not every year .
28 And our belly-buttons shone in the dark .
29 Liz , from King 's Lynn , Norfolk , said : ‘ I am just sorry that families we know could be going through the same feelings we had when our men left for the Gulf .
30 The shadow of our plane skipped across the bright sea , then flickered over the outer coral .
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