Example sentences of "those who [vb base] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The patients whom I find most tragic are those who come for help in dealing with abuse which occurred fifty or sixty years ago , and which has often crippled them mentally and emotionally ever since .
2 By the end of the decade , well over half of those who qualify for assistance will be aged over 80 , mainly those who served in the Second World War or their widows .
3 But it is much more difficult to justify on academic terms an expansion of what I will call ‘ educational exposure ’ ; the development , through extensive first-hand experience , of an understanding of what being a teacher involves , of the demands it makes upon those who teach for month after month , of the stresses and strains ( as well as the joys ) of the classroom .
4 Those who ask for reports have no time to read long ones- nor will they take the trouble to unravel texts like the example given above .
5 Those who fall for drunkards and drug addicts have only themselves to blame if it goes wrong which it nearly always does .
6 Most people seem to think that those who fall for gambling are loners , haunting a twilight world of their own because they ca n't relate to others .
7 There is a limited amount of money available for these payments , so social fund officers have to look at the needs of all those who apply for help and decide which needs can be met .
8 Of all organisations , it has an interest in ensuring that those who apply for asylum as a means of avoiding immigration regulations should not be allowed to enter the country .
9 Let us hope that those who bay for Mr Rushdie 's blood may be encouraged towards a less aggressive form of literary criticism .
10 Those who wait for Yahweh will gain new strength ;
11 The academically discredited distinction between traditional and modern is now common currency , while the notions of inward-oriented and outward-oriented describe those who look for guidance and sustenance to the resources of their own groups as opposed to those who look outside , usually to the West .
12 We long to see peace ; so we pray that you will strengthen those who work for peace , and restrain those who believe that the only solution to violence is more violence .
13 This was part of our ongoing campaign to raise awareness of alcohol issues amongst all those who work for Guinness PLC and our subsidiary companies .
14 The judgement of critics , museum men and those who work for Arts and British Councils is vitiated by prejudice and careless enthusiasm for the latest fad ( or desperate anxiety not to let the bandwagon sweep off into the distance ) .
15 ' In the UK rates do not provide a close link between those who vote for expenditure increases and those who pay the costs of local services .
16 If the calls for change are allowed to build up peacefully in Leipzig , then there will clearly be an escalation in the number of those who press for change .
17 IRRESPECTIVE of what political views they hold , those who stand for election in Northern Ireland require a lot of courage and conviction .
18 We will support the organisations which help those who care for friends and relatives at home .
19 Help may also be available for those who care for others , for example if you are looking after a disabled person or an elderly relation .
20 Help may also be available for those who care for others , for example if you are looking after a disabled person or an elderly relation .
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