Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] came [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What I did not expect to find — and what I did find — was a strong Roman impact on the intellectual relations between Greeks and Jews or Celts or Iranians as soon as Roman power began to be felt outside Italy in the second century B.C. The influence of Rome on the minds of those who came into contact with it was quick and strong .
2 Influence over the machinery of the law could give a politician additional means of gratifying friends and intimidating enemies , for a word in the right place could greatly ease the problems of those who came into conflict with the laws .
3 The only people in whose company she would sit were those who came to Sunday lunch and were also waiting for Montaine 's return .
4 However , those who came to Remaisnil for meetings could not but be struck by a paradox ; they were expected to remain in the château for meals and afterwards , until they retired to bed .
5 These men rate themselves fitter than those who came to sex late and they 're less likely to consider themselves overweight .
6 In doing so they helped to create resentments against the Masai in the minds of those who came to power in the post-colonial state .
7 These , then , were the books that became required reading for those who came to Cumberland Lodge to debate such issues .
8 Indeed , an important element in the BUF was provided by those who came to fascism from outside the traditional party spectrum and who had little or no previous political experience .
9 Allen was to play an important role in the story of the BUF , in general it was those who came to fascism from outside politics who were to prove the most important elements in the organization .
10 But for those who came of age in the dark years , the spectacle of national self-destruction remains the gauge of all that has followed .
11 A telling statistic in a recent election study by Rose and McAllister is that , whereas in 196480 per cent of those who came from homes in which both parents were Labour voters themselves voted for the party , by 1983 the proportion from such backgrounds which still voted Labour had dropped to 45 Per cent .
12 Leonard found this hard to stomach , and frequently expressed himself vehemently against his professor 's defences of the founder of Imagism ( which advocated free rhythm as well as concreteness of expression in poetry ) ; and against his disdainful , if teasing , comments of those who came from Westmount .
13 He felt an almost overwhelming compassion for the souls of the lost , and he strongly resisted the temptation to provide a display of fine oratory for those who came in search of novelty or entertainment .
14 Perhaps those who came in repentance and were prepared for the running waters of Jordan to flow over their heads in judgment were thought of as undergoing the judgment of God in symbol so that they would not have to undergo it in its awful reality on the Day of Judgment .
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