Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] be [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Those who are to be returned to unit as unsuitable can come overland together with those who will be required to form a second squadron to operate in a later phase . ’
2 ‘ The most obvious way to begin is through the education of those who are to be citizens ’ .
3 The latest TOPS report and accounts list the participating employers as all those who are to be sold off under the Bill .
4 Therefore , the majority of those who are to be made redundant will either have their own homes or will buy them shortly after .
5 Those who are to be brought out will receive the best of care .
6 From Norse mythology , Odin 's twelve female Valkyries would choose those who were to be slain .
7 Furthermore , if some Branches struck and called on others to back them , that support could be ensured by picketing the workplaces of those who were to be persuaded : Scargill was strong in his insistence that miners do not cross picket lines formed by other miners , but he was eventually defeated by both the unwillingness of an increasingly large body of miners ( especially those working in Nottinghamshire , see below ) to disregard this advice in the absence of a national ballot on strike action , and the government 's preparedness to counter the pickets by mass policing and other tactics which limited the freedom of movement of perceived would-be pickets ( Fine and Millar , 1985 ) .
8 Before the Russian campaign , an event no one could reasonably foresee , those who were to be afrancesados held it ‘ morally impossible ’ that the French would be defeated .
9 Those who were to be sacrificed would be driven into the labyrinth and locked in .
10 The utility of science was indeed everywhere urged , just as the utility of classics was urged for those who were to be legislators , justices of the peace or district officers in the colonies .
11 Once the choir had filed into their places there was standing room only , and even Mr Salmon , wearing a long black coat and deep-brimmed black hat , was among those who were to be found huddled at the back .
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