Example sentences of "those [pron] [verb] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And I remember , too , those I had n't eaten by the time I got home we hung on the tree .
2 Yeah yeah yeah but erm , oh I do n't know I must have , must find those I do n't think Joan 's taken them .
3 You see those two are right at the end , and those I do n't know whether those ought to be together before XX .
4 And when I took those I did n't come down for a , and that frightened me , I said to Russell I will never ever take speed because it 's if , I was er we were in the pub right on a Sunday morning and I was there but I was n't there , I was somewhere else .
5 Those which do not contain pyrozines naturally , gather them from noxious plants , either eating them as caterpillars or drinking them as adults .
6 Those which do not exist are effectively discarded because they are not stored in the list , however they could be regenerated from the graph should that become necessary at some future stage .
7 If the data have been ordered into contigs then the positives should occur in overlapping runs ( Fig 3 ) , and inconsistencies in the data are immediately apparent by eye because all the hybridisations to each clone are visible , including those which do not fit well with the current order of clones and probes .
8 Alterations made afterwards have a tendency to show ; those which do not show may be examples of dishonesty by the surveyor .
9 Short and intermediate courses and those which do not involve the student in heavy costs tend to have a more democratic social composition .
10 Those which do not register by April 3 will be fined up to £400 .
11 He should have the option of rejecting either all the goods or just those which do not conform to the contract .
12 Then you would remain as a group and could observe your own customs , those which do not conflict with our law . ’
13 However , cheaper land in the north attracts some large businesses , particularly those which do not have high costs of transport for goods going to the southern market .
14 Those which do not have a lake view overlook local side streets .
15 Languages which have morphological resources for expressing a certain category such as number , tense , or gender , have to express these categories regularly ; those which do not have morphological resources for expressing the same categories do not have to express them except when they are felt to be relevant .
16 Considering these evils , I hereby promise to remain away from all motion pictures except those which do not offend decency and Christian morality .
17 The new agreement is expected to give Sun new teeth to strike off those which do n't meet its mark .
18 Among those which have not done so are the US , Canada , and all the EC countries with the exception of France .
19 A few have become derelict as smaller farms have been taken over by the larger conglomerates but many have been restored for non-farming families : that is , those which have not got past the point of no return after being left open to the four winds for too many years ; fit only for pigeon habitation .
20 There must , too , be the gravest doubts about a system which excludes those who prefer not to join a union .
21 By implication , of course , those who chose not to become part of the ‘ generalized other ’ were less than fully developed .
22 Charles was essentially a shopkeeper and pig butcher ; he turned his waste animal fats into tallow candles — a foul-smelling process at best — to sell to those who chose not to make their own , and also kept up a bit of a sideline in cheese — a product for which the area was , of course , justifiably famous .
23 They could laugh at the absurdities of life and people that made no sense to those who had n't lived in Ireland .
24 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
25 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
26 In one recent survey of income support claimants in Bradford , Asian respondents made up nine out of ten of those who had not heard of the Social Fund ( Craig , 1991 ) .
27 There was a hasty exodus by about twenty of those who had not waited to question the accuracy of the statement .
28 There was a reaction against ( Conservative ) government unpreparedness for war in the 1930s and against those who had not done more to solve the nation 's problems during the Depression .
29 It was almost as though such an experience gave the initiated a glimpse of a deeper level of reality than the allegedly shallow analysis of contemporary society by those who had not faced at first hand the traumas of modern warfare .
30 And the sirens escorted their prisoners from the Department to the Abu Ghraib gaol , and those who had not survived interrogation from the Abu Ghraib gaol to the Medical City Mortuary on the other side of the Al Sarafiyah Bridge .
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