Example sentences of "many [noun pl] [coord] [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 Deficits in visual function following subcortical visual system lesions have been reported many times but it is difficult to interpret them .
2 The decision is likely to postpone a hearing on the charges for many months and it is now thought that the case could eventually be heard in Milan instead of Turin .
3 This fish is similar to M. argenteus in many respects but it is a much deeper fish with more elongated dorsal and anal fins complimenting its extraordinary-deep body .
4 I have known Trevor for many years and he is a mass of seething hate before breakfast most days , so I could smell the revenge in him even above ‘ Jock ’ McDougall 's armpits before we left the changing room this afternoon .
5 Suddenly there was work for everybody and the deaf community took full advantage of this change of climate , as reported in the 1944 annual report : The effect of the war on industry has given the deaf and dumb opportunities such as they had never enjoyed for many years and it is with great pleasure that the committee places on record the excellent work the deaf Have done .
6 Because you can never go back to yesterday , if you came in last year or five years ago , ten years ago or longer , some of you have been in the truth for many , many years and it is nearer now than it ever was when you first came along and joined Jehovah 's people and as it says the night is well along and if any of us have ever worked on the night shift , I think we 're all well aware are n't we that when the night is well along and
7 The price could be prohibitive for many families and it is a pity there are not more references made to Appendix 1 , ‘ How the body works ’ as it is crucial that people understand their own anatomy and physiology in order to apply the positive principles of health care .
8 They know that their children are stronger than them in many ways and it is hard for them to come to terms with that and still keep their dignity and self-respect .
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