Example sentences of "many [noun] [pers pn] [vb -s] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've bitten my tongue so many times it 's got holes in it ’
2 In the 1970 's and early ‘ 80 's the Club saw more changes than in the whole of its earlier history , so much so that in 1976 former President Tom Luker said of the course shortly before his death ( 1977 ) , ‘ It has been modified so many times it has gone full circle ’ .
3 Do not give your camera to a passing stranger and ask him to take a picture of you , so many times it has happened that the stranger has then run off with it .
4 Nonetheless , we should keep the two patterns distinct , first as a matter of proper investigative practice , because the distinction though subtle is real ; second , because in a great many cases it does make a quite easily discernible difference to the interpretation intended and required ; and , third , because it has some quite substantial grammatical consequences .
5 Microsoft Corp is spraying statistics in all directions to try and convince the industry of NT 's success : 60,000 software development kits have been sent out , it says , 25,000 dealers and the like should be trained before the launch , and it has commitments from developers that over 500 applications will be ready by the autumn — however it absolutely refuses to comment on how many copies it expects to sell .
6 Microsoft Corp is spraying statistics in all directions to try and convince the industry of NT 's success : 60,000 software development kits have been sent out , it says , 25,000 dealers and the like should be trained before the launch , and it has commitments from developers that over 500 applications will be ready by the autumn — however it absolutely refuses to comment on how many copies it expects to sell .
7 George says he will miss the many contacts he has made in BNFL and URENCO over the years but is looking forward to spending more time on his hobbies , particularly gardening , walking and amateur dramatics .
8 ‘ She might 've had two lots of make-up , and you do n't know how many nighties she 's got . ’
9 The company ended the guessing game on Wall Street about how many units it has delivered .
10 In many respects it fails to answer these issues satisfactorily , although allowing the court to order medical examinations without parental consent legitimizes a position well established on an informal basis amongst the professionals involved .
11 McCreery had already signalled to Gen Clark at 15th Army Group in his AC/1 90 his request that AFHQ should " ask Tito how many enemy he wishes to retain .
12 One party worker from a Midlands constituency said : ‘ I do n't mind how many kids he 's got , but Cecil Parkinson is too lightweight to become Chancellor .
13 Or how many kids he 's got .
14 Think of the present problem with Bosnia there is n't a single er advanced industrial country that wishes to get engaged in ground warfare in Yugoslavia because there would be simply no point in it and any casualty er would be seen as a waste , as a throwing away of resources and you 'd have many casualties it 's argued .
15 These are simply records kept by Constant Drachenfels of how many nobles he has slain by what means : for example , a descendant of the Duc de Parravon killed by disease is recorded as a symbol of Nurgle etched onto the plaque below the shield of that noble house .
16 For many years it has enjoyed an outstanding reputation in Latin American studies , and recent publications in this area include Edwin Williamson , The Penguin History of Latin America .
17 ‘ For very many years he has had mistresses . ’
18 Irene Schwidurski missed all those , since for many years she has refused to observe the major public holidays of the GDR , 1 May and 7 October , the date the state was founded .
19 down and worked out how many days he 's had the long wheelbase this week .
20 In spite of the many things it has achieved over the last hundred years — and we have all been shaped by that — it has got itself boxed in by one issue .
21 And what 's inspiring about a treatise on who can own brown rice stores and how many people it takes to make up a windmill construction co-operative ?
22 For many people it seems to mean freedom to do what someone else has done before with some success , and initially this seemed to be the best course to take .
23 In many ways he 's got a thankless task — he and his colleagues have to build partnerships between bodies and individuals who often hold totally opposite views on how Scotland 's countryside should be protected .
24 ‘ In many ways it has become a victim of its own success .
25 In Scotland the most obvious example of this — the Scottish Development Agency ( SDA ) — is not strictly a local government but a regional organization , yet in many ways it has provided a model for initiatives which have since been developed elsewhere at local level .
26 In many ways it has failed to realise the changes in British society and has had problems in providing a service for ethnic minorities .
27 To ask the Attorney-General how many representations he has received since the beginning of December which have been critical of his reaction to Sunday opening of stores .
28 To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many representations he has received from patients about NHS trusts ; and if he will make a statement .
29 To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many representations he has had on the subject of domestic rates ; and if he will make a statement .
30 Can you go and ask her how many bags she 's got ?
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