Example sentences of "years [pron] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For seven or eight years I had been aware of a growing numbness , first in the muscles of my right leg and later in those of my left , for which no doctor or specialist could find any adequate explanation .
2 W.C. Fields used one phrase which I 've always loved — especially after all the years I 've been married — he said , ‘ Elephants are just like women — nice to look at , but who wants to own one ? ’
3 For years I 've been used to addressing the parson as ‘ vicar ’ .
4 I have to say , in comment to that , I do n't the know the the balance of statistics but I 've been a lone parent for , for ten years now , although I 've I 've pressed button , it was because for ten years of being able to have a stable relationship with my children , I 've got two very stable teenagers and during that , the course of that ten years I 've been disabled person as well , so yes there may be the case that there 's there 's trouble with the children of lone parent families , but I think there 's far too much emphasis on that nowadays !
5 It 's the first time in years I 've been able to uncoil a little with Ali .
6 Over the years I 've been lucky enough to see pine martens , golden eagles , otters , blue hares , foxes and a huge variety of birds , including a snowy egret at Torridon , wildly off course from its African and European haunts .
7 For three years I 've been wary of deep water .
8 ‘ In recent years I have been impressed by the standard of speech training in various parts of the province and it was the same again in Ballyclare where a number of talented young people were on stage . ’
9 In the past few years I have been involved in a Seminar for senior administrators from the Third World studying at British Universities A group of 25 or 30 is gathered each year at Plockton in Wester Ross by the British Council , the ODA and the Highland Board .
10 During the past few years I have been fortunate enough to have a couple of RAF students each summer from the Royal Military College of Science at Shrivenham .
11 Every August or early September for the last few years I have been lucky enough to receive a present of ripe mulberries from a magnificent old tree in the garden of Rainham Hall in Essex .
12 Christophe Lázar : For the past two years I have been active expanding Colnaghi 's presence in Europe , Asia and South America .
13 Over the last twenty years I have been active in our hobby , I have lost count of the number of detectors I have used .
14 Over the years I have been able to spend many hours with individual singers .
15 ‘ I am really pleased that over the last three years I have been able to show that part-time working can work without any difficulty .
16 Generally my fish are too healthy to require treatment , but in the last few years I have been able to buy fish as they arrive in the country ( usually via the large fish shows . )
17 In the past few years I have been amazed at the transformation of the zoo , to a very modern , progressive and caring institution .
18 So , Sir , I have been able to reflect on the inherent good sense of the people of Worcester over the years I have been privileged to be the Member for that constituency .
19 For years I have been excited by him , quoted him , relied on him .
20 For thirty-six years she had been convenient for this purpose .
21 And for the first time in nearly three years she had been able to talk about Martin .
22 For the past two years she has been responsible for the rights department of Hachette 's children 's book imprints in Paris .
23 and it 's just been another seven years you 've been able to work
24 I understand , for example , that within the last few years you have been lucky in receiving a very large legacy from the late Dr D.M. McDonald to build an institute ?
25 Nineteen sixty one , er , our anniversary was a few weeks ago , twenty one years we 've been married , but er
26 Over the years we have been thankful to hear the BBC World Service in Chungking , Kuala Lumpur , Los Angeles , Guyana , Nigeria , Alaska and many other places — and that clear , calm statement of the news spoken with suave detachment in impeccable English has never ceased to satisfy .
27 In a letter to the Stanford committee on research , the faculty said : ‘ For years we have been able to tell visiting school children , student , engineers , scientists , laymen and the press that we are here to do basic research on the fundamental properties of matter and that we do not do any military work .
28 The divisions were given the go-ahead for construction five years in advance of the anticipated need for capacity , but during the previous three years there had been detailed consultations between headquarters and the divisions , about the power requirements , about the site , and about the design and layout of the proposed plant .
29 In recent years there had been considerable debate about the nature of the railways ' contribution to economic growth .
30 During these years there had been routine protests in places like the United Nations , which France ignored , and around the island of Moruroa itself involving the Greenpeace organisation .
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