Example sentences of "way that they [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No , the fact of it was , Diane and her employer might easily have been two different species for the way that they looked at the world .
2 Their graves were tended by surviving relatives in much the same way that they looked after the house of an absent friend .
3 Apart from errors and omissions these are defined in the National Accounts in such a way that they come to the same value .
4 The expectations of older people , their families , and people who work with them , may significantly affect the way that they cope with illness or disability .
5 Accordingly , in my judgment the rules of natural justice prima facie apply to any such process of suspension in the same way that they apply to expulsion . ’
6 Clauses 12 and 13 of Precedent 1 rely on the principles in that discussion to pass the test of reasonableness , and are drafted in such a way that they apply to all types of breach however caused ( including by reason of wilful default ) .
7 Essentially , these express the number of deaths occurring as a proportion of the number of people at risk in each region in such a way that they take into account the fact that regions have different age and sex distributions ; their construction will be explained fully in chapter 14 .
8 Both types have their advantages and their drawbacks in the way that they contribute to accurate historical explanation .
9 Frequent whitewashing or repapering , like John Barton 's ‘ clean stencilled pattern ’ , is often alluded to , no doubt because it made damp and derelict rooms look fresh and dry but that is the way that they remain for the reader .
10 If the process of nursing is seen as a problem-solving activity in which the nurse acts on her own initiative generating her own solutions , rather than one in which she repeats ready-made solutions ; and if the reasoning of the cognition theorists is accepted as valid ; then the teaching of nursing should be organised in such a way that the student not only acquires the necessary knowledge and skills , but does so in such a way that they develop in her flexible cognitive structures .
11 Perhaps if there really was ( and is ) ‘ widespread discontent … about the quality of education ’ , the best remedy would be to enhance teaching as a profession so as to attract and retain the best recruits , by paying them proper salaries and by promoting those who teach well , in such a way that they stay in the classroom instead of becoming administrators .
12 Palmer ( 1971 ) points out that " as linguists we must write our grammars in such a way that they relate to semantics as well as phonetics — our grammar must be sensitive to semantics ' .
13 Horizontality is , in fact , preserved by bringing into use an additional pair of wheels under the leading edge of the tank , fitted on the same axle as the main track wheels , one at each end of the axle , and thus outside the main pair , in such a way that they engage with a second , outside , pair of rails laid over the curve ( figure 7 ) .
14 They were fastened together , too , in such a way that they moved with the person — who was Mama .
15 That 's the way that they deal with men
16 I think it would affect their marriages , their inter-personal relationships , their co-habitations , the way that they deal with people at work , their sense of who they are in the world and how far they can go in the world , and I think that 's what makes the problem so serious because it has very , very long-reaching effects .
17 It is essential that the data are preserved in such a way that they continue to be accessible over time .
18 One trader might try to " cash in " on the goodwill and reputation of another trader by dressing up his goods in such a way that they look like those of that other trader .
19 The interplay between these sequences and the tendency either to see representational figures in pattern , or alternatively to repeat representational figures in such a way that they reduce to pattern , was held by Boas to be the foundation of art and design , providing the basic dimensions which united the diverse media of craft production , music , dance and poetry .
20 Because we all try to twist circumstances in such a way that they conform with our subconscious picture of ourselves , those who see themselves as permanent victims will automatically seek out people who are going to treat them as such .
21 They should never have shifted their line-out men around the way that they did in the first 40 minutes .
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