Example sentences of "way she [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Julia said nothing , but from the way she relaxed into the pillows David realised how worried she had been .
2 Since the only way she knew to the foundry was the route of her guided tour earlier that day , she was obliged to retrace it .
3 I admired the way she strolled into the ward , doing quite determinedly something not to her taste .
4 I used to take bass for granted , because I did n't really understand it , but having been around Sara I 've got a much deeper appreciation for the way she fits into the rhythm section and comes up with lines that move around underneath the melody .
5 She did n't come on the road way she went in the field side .
6 Grief is not only a reaction , though , it is a process , so your bereaved parent will need your help through all its various stages of numbness , yearning , quiet or vocal distress , anxiety , depression and adjustment to her new situation ; and the way she behaves during the grief process will depend very much on her personality type , her previous life experiences and the strength of the tie that has been severed , as well as the amount of support you can give her .
7 On behalf of all her fans , I would like to wish her the best of luck in 1992 and hope that she will carry on in the dedicated way she has in the past year or so .
8 They held Grimma in awe because of the way she shouted at the men and read better than anyone .
9 She 's consumed by love for Grant and just ca n't grasp the idea that she could be doing something else if he goes out with his mates and , understandably , he resents the way she intrudes on the time he spends with them . ’
10 Brigadier Canford admired the lightning reflexes , the way she adjusted to a not-very-easy pony in seconds and showed up the others as she ruthlessly shoved them out of the way and cat-and-mouse-whipped the ball away just as they were about to hit it .
11 Something about the way she stood in the large unwieldy garment gave Benny courage .
12 ‘ But quite honestly from the way she shone in the semi-finals , Sally was always the one who was going to win the gold medal . ’
13 ‘ But quite honestly from the way she shone in the semi-finals , Sally was always the one who was going to win gold . ’
14 He raised an eyebrow at the way she sat in the car , her feet together , her hands in her lap , her back stiff and her eyes looking straight ahead , a set expression on her face .
15 ‘ It 's nothing you could put your finger on … nothing definite … little things … the way she looks at the photographs on the mantelpiece .
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