Example sentences of "one [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When I deciphered one I would announce it to all and sundry .
2 He said : ‘ I have n't got a grandmother but if I had one I would shoot her in the foot if it meant getting three points . ’
3 and I , if I get onto my last one I might order one but I 've got
4 You can either draw it model it made me draw the last one I 'll model it this time , it 's good fun !
5 See if I reflected to this one I 'll show you what the affect is .
6 I 've got one I 'll give you my book later on Angela !
7 I mean if you 're interested in one I 'll take one out because
8 Well Jane did say no I do n't think there 's one in the village but if you want to go to one I 'll take you to Daventry would be nearest , yes , but she said I 'll take you to one if you want to go .
9 Cut us a good one I 'll cut it .
10 I see , yes , yes , oh next time I need one I shall ask you then .
11 The only one I could do myself was Bo. 4 – ‘ To flag . ’
12 Yes , I wanted to do a production with Balanchine , but it never happened , and now there is no one I can think I would want to do it with .
13 But this one I can do mesen .
14 I can remember one I can remember one going up Lane at half past two in the morning .
15 If I hear of one I will inform you . ’
16 ‘ Gould has just issued a prospectus and as soon as I have one I will send it to you , announcing a work on English birds … his conceit leads him beyond common sense. ,
17 For each one I 'd like you to tell me how interested you are in it by choosing an answer from card twenty four .
18 Notice also that the choice the speaker made was the one which would make his Creole seem maximally different from LE : i.e. , would reinforce the stereotype of Creole as a different system .
19 ‘ I could tell you tales about that one which would make your hair curl , ’ Natasha whispered to Maggie in a conspiratorial tone , and winked .
20 Speaking to people nicely may well have been William Charles 's greatest worldly asset , one which would enable him to make a living in the great metropolis , for all his lack of more specific skills .
21 How far these two constructions — the adjective with the verb and the adverb with the verb — should be considered in company with constructions such as : ( 15 ) Heidi saw the stork falter ( 16 ) kiss her goodbye ! is an interesting question , but one which would take us well beyond the bounds of the adjectival study on which we are focusing here . )
22 And she 'd just had an idea , one which would get them all moving .
23 Another one which may surprise you , Saga .
24 As far as I can tell , they have all three led blameless lives , had no criminal connection , kept themselves to themselves and as separate from Moslems as they could , and had no occasion to even meet a Zikr , let alone enter into a relationship with one which might lead them to want to kill him .
25 Managing director and major shareholder Peter Kemmis Betty has been appointed president — a non-executive position but one which will enable him to concentrate on editorial areas , chess and archaeology , in which he has a particular interest .
26 Make sure it 's a really traumatic one which will haunt you throughout your adult life , like them plays on thursday night T.V.
27 He said If this person who ever he is has decided to join the Tory party then it is a matter for him and a matter of small regret but not one which will cause us to lie awake worrying about .
28 Although it is too early to say what impact it will have on the discipline , it has stimulated a powerful line of thought , and one which will concern us in later chapters .
29 It , said he , it is a long-cherished scheme and the only one which can secure my great end .
30 The Argentine RU seems to be the only one which can allow itself the luxury of having half a team of top internationals watching the game ’ .
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