Example sentences of "such a [noun] if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Few managers would think of embarking on such a course if they faced competition from B R itself , that 's why the Government originally barred B R from bidding .
2 He believed Maureen would have mentioned such a story if she had heard one and he took the view that she had no proof whatsoever .
3 ‘ You 're not , sir , although I have no doubt it could carry out such a survey if it were called for .
4 He would look such a fool if he had to tell someone on the end of the line that he did n't know where she was and had no idea when she was coming back .
5 ( N.B. The dealer would do such a churn if he knew the client had no money from other sources . )
6 The tribunal will only allow a trader 's appeal against such a direction if it considers that Customs could not reasonably have been satisfied : for example , if Customs have ignored a relevant matter or if they have taken an irrelevant matter into account .
7 We have such a laugh if she works there .
8 Come on people : How many of you would turn down such a contract if it were offered to you .
9 You would n't think getting into the rough there would be such a problem if you saw it nowadays .
10 However , Turner does n't believe that he would have arrived at such a conclusion if he had continued to live and write in Ireland .
11 She would never say so , and I probably would n't think such a thing if I were n't pregnant , but pregnant — me thinks : she 's keeping something of me , something of the child I was , in those trunks down there , so as not to lose me entirely , so as not to lose my childhood completely .
12 One mother claimed : ‘ She would not have said such a thing if she had been married .
13 He hoped Barbara could read the sub-text here : that if she was offering him some kind of invitation — and he was not for a moment suggesting that he was worthy of such a thing if she were — then he was regretfully declining it , on the understanding that both of them knew why .
14 ‘ Yes , the Gruagach would never have done such a thing if it had n't been suggested to them , ’ put in Feradach .
15 Either Alice or Bert could bring such a claim if they suffered damage .
16 ‘ You would n't be making such a fuss if you 'd been named as Vitor 's girlfriend , ’ the young man had declared .
17 These are generally expensive so you would only usually take out such a loan if you already know how long the delay will last .
18 He said Bonn was favourably disposed to such a conference if it were well prepared .
19 Such a policy if we could be forced to accept it would doubtless hasten and simplify Soviet control over the entire Peninsula .
20 If you have such a policy if you were to have criteria of the kind I 'm alluded to erm does that still leave it too open in North Yorkshire , might it still be too wide too many erm er opportunities might meet locations might meet these criteria .
21 He will have done such an act if he does something which substantially impedes his ability to return the goods by the end of the period ( whether that be a stipulated period or a reasonable length of time ) .
22 Well , there could still be a case for investment in such an enterprise if it were shown that the lack of profitability was the result of higher costs than competitors stemming from locational disadvantages .
23 Its outcome is not really in doubt , not because it is a put-up job but because the CEGB would not go into such an exercise if it had only a 50–50 chance of success .
24 The court will grant such an order if it is satisfied that : ( a ) profits have accrued to any person as a result of that contravention ; or that ( b ) one or more investors have ‘ suffered loss or been otherwise adversely affected . ’
25 Provided that a person shall not be convicted of such an offence if he proves that the contravention in question took place without his knowledge or consent .
26 It 's been talking to OSF about just these kinds of things , and would ( of course ) , like to do more than simply participate in such an effort if it could , though the smoke signals from OSF read simply ‘ message received , ’ for the present .
27 Even a woman might secure such an appointment if she were an influential tenant-in-chief : Isabel Countess of Arundel kept the castle and forest of Bere Porchester in Hampshire from 1268 until 1272 .
28 But central government need not give such an undertaking if it is seeking to enforce compliance with a statute or regulation ; although it must do so if it is seeking to protect its property or contractual interests .
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