Example sentences of "such [adj] [noun pl] [that] it " in BNC.

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1 The CAP has reached such absurd proportions that it is now damaging everybody 's interests — the producers , the consumers and the Third World .
2 But Marochnik 's extrapolation from that work has such broad implications that it deserves investigation .
3 Yet these define their ‘ membership ’ in such different ways that it is hard to draw conclusions from their figures .
4 Now the communists are divided , and the larger wing , the Democratic Left , wears such liberal colours that it could be accepted by other parties as a partner in future coalitions .
5 A small proportion ( about 20 ) of the 660 people living in the hospital in 1984 were widely regarded as presenting such serious challenges that it had been planned to move them to new sub-regional institutions rather than community services .
6 The only ones who might qualify are Ian Woosnam and Sam Torrance , but he wears such baggy trousers that it is difficult to see .
7 This bird , born around 1762 , lived in such comfortable circumstances that it had already reared eight broods when , to the consternation of its noble owner , it suddenly developed the plumage and spurs of a male and thereafter refused to lay another egg .
8 It will , in all cases , be a question of pure fact as to whether the re-training involves the acquisition of such esoteric skills that it would not be reasonable to expect the employee to acquire them .
9 According to one Belgium government official , the colouring agent would be used in such small quantities that it would not harm the environment .
10 The voice is still languishing , wasted in its rumpled bed , but the guitar is up with the sun , out the window and scaling such dizzy heights that it manages to drag the chorus into a deliciously wounded country yodel .
11 The road ran straight ahead of us until it disappeared in the mist , except that at the man 's feet it was gone and there was a gap some fifty metres or so wide through which a brown torrent ran so high and in such furious waves that it almost lipped the broken macadam where the road had been swept away .
12 He made such thorough notes that it was then no great labour to produce a similar Biographical Register for Cambridge ( 1963 ) — in 1958 he estimated that such a work could be completed within eighteen months — and a more summary Survey of Dominicans in England , based on the Ordination Lists in Episcopal Registers ( 1268–1538 ) ( Rome , 1967 ) .
13 The motto of the new era is ‘ diagnosis prognosticates aetiology ’ , a phrase which is repeated by members of the ruling races in such varied contexts that it becomes evident that no one really bothers to think about it .
14 It was from such lofty horizons that it was first introduced in 1839 and it has been in and out of gardens ever since .
15 In theory this should sort out the wheat from the chaff but the definition of wheat in the intelligence world is so wide that even with the best filter the net volume of material is of such staggering proportions that it is beyond any useful human assessment .
16 Only very rarely will a particular experience have such massive effects that it overrides all else , producing identical consequences for any child — at least , very rarely in human development , for it is likely that the effects of early experience seen in animal experiments are in most cases largely due to the enormous scale of the experiences involved .
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