Example sentences of "such [noun] [noun] as the " in BNC.

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1 For months , the spin doctors relied on the training imparted at such teaching hospitals as the Downing Street Policy Unit .
2 While it might seem very odd that a museum which is home to such Rembrandt masterpieces as the ‘ Jewish bride ’ , the ‘ Academy lesson of Dr Deyman ’ , the ‘ Night watch ’ and the ‘ Self-portrait as the Apostle Paul ’ , would allocate the funds for a much less impressive work , the Rijksmuseum has long made Rembrandt purchases a priority .
3 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the coercive use of any animal in military research , or in such research topics as the deleterious effects of smoking , maternal deprivation and drug addiction .
4 Few heads had allocated any of their extra capitation to the development of productive links with parents and the community , while nearly all of them considered that such PNP resources as the Authority 's advisory and support staff , the INSET programme and even the refurbishment of their own schools had made little or no impact on home-school links , however effective they may have been in furthering the programme 's other objectives .
5 The date is 23 September 1980 and the foreign news correspondents covering the affairs of the Middle East on the spot , from such vantage points as the bars of Beirut 's few still-operational hotels , received a jolt from messages that the agency machines were beginning to churn out reports of further escalation the previous day of the long-running border dispute between Iraq and Iran .
6 He trill is in good working order , she can float a quiet top A as at the end of ‘ Senza mamma ’ , and though she had a problem with breath-control she can sill manage skilfully in such testing pieces as the Freischütz arias .
7 The fabula is repeatedly disrupted by such syuzhet devices as the transposition of material ( the preface does not appear until Volume III , Chapter 20 ) , temporal displacements which reveal effects before causes , the inclusion of secondary anecdotes and the proclivity towards digressions of various kinds .
8 Literacy was confirmed as the cornerstone of everyone 's life by such chance factors as the transformation of the country by rail travel .
9 Thomas Telford is better known for such engineering feats as the Menai Suspension Bridge or the Caledonian Canal , or roads and bridges throughout the Highlands .
10 Interest in such LEA activities as the development of film libraries was also apparent , and politicians were echoing the claims of the AV campaigners in very similar language ( see , for example , Gould , 1950 ) .
11 I suppose you except such motor cars as the Jaguar from this and Ferraris and Rolls Royce , but the majority of cars available to the public are very dull .
12 Computer superstores are the latest trend to be transplanted from the US , after such retailing innovations as the grocery supermarket , hypermarkets and out-of-town shopping centres .
13 The catalogue of suspect financial deals in the 1980s included such cause celebres as the Fayed brothers , takeover of the House of Fraser , and the sale of the Rover Group to British Aerospace .
14 They were to become the crucial factor which saved the Fens from total inundation , and although not generally adopted in Somerset , they fast became a typical feature of such wetland landscapes as the Lancashire Fylde and the Hull valley .
15 For example , he was able to reconcile membership of the Church of England ( rather High ) with belonging to such occult groups as the Order of the Golden Dawn .
16 Particularly when the first half is devoted to such time filling as The Obituary Show : Jeffrey Bernard ( C4 on Tuesday : 9.00–9.30 pm ) .
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