Example sentences of "should be [verb] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Charman felt it should be split four ways between each band member , but Gedge thought he should have most of it because he had actually written the songs .
2 Until these data are available , severely poisoned adults should be given 150–200 g through a nasogastric tube over 4–8 hours with the aims of achieving a maximum reduction in elimination half life and an improvement in the clinical state .
3 He said that we should be taking 100,000 deaths per year seriously .
4 Externally , we should be implementing X-25 communication protocols to exchange scientific information between institutions , to improve data exchange facilities between gardens , and to link Payroll and Finance to external services .
5 Which is why I personally ordered that the thing should be tracked twenty-four hours a day .
6 The printed sign on the mirror enjoins : Each Finger Nail Should Be Stroked Fifty Times .
7 Nippon Denso has bought a 53 acre green field site on the edge of rural Shropshire ; by 1995 a brand new plant should be producing 400,000 car heaters and the same number of air conditioners per year .
8 Recall stewards , dressed in day-glo bibs , should be positioned 150 metres up the course with more officials further up the track as a fail-safe , he said .
9 For the first dose , the bottle should be succussed 8–12 times , and one tablespoonful of it should be diluted with half a glass of water .
10 After careful consideration of the complaints , I have decided that section 43 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 should be implemented and that the trade should be allowed two years to make the necessary changes .
11 FORMER army sergeant Mickey Spencer should be doing 100 press-ups this morning after fluffing Yeovil 's best chance to join the big boys in the FA Cup third round .
12 It was one of his favourite songs and he was showing them all in the lounge bar at Ingham 's how it should be sung one Saturday night .
13 Serum aminoglycoside concentrations should be measured one hour after the dose , not 15 minutes after as stated .
14 For example , we clearly stated in the text that serum concentrations should be measured 24 hours after the start of treatment ; the case to which MacGowan and Reeves refer was one in which the clinician measured the serum concentration after 48 hours .
15 Whilst in going to the abbey , I should be exchanging one kind of prison for another , she told herself , I should no longer have to pass my days amongst the remnants of the court !
16 Examination papers should be approved four months before students are due to sit the examination and centres should allow three months for the moderation process ( to allow for any resubmission ) .
17 On 23 June , Charles and Louis sent envoys with final offers : the Frankish heartlands should be divided three ways , but Louis would give up his claims to the Franconian lands west of the Rhine , around Ingelheim and Mainz , while Charles would yield his claims to the region between the Charbonnière Forest and the Meuse .
18 We agree with the recommendation that blood samples should be taken one hour after an intravenous bolus dose .
19 But what i should actual fact be , one should be owing two pound more than what it says and the other one should be owing two pound less .
20 But what i should actual fact be , one should be owing two pound more than what it says and the other one should be owing two pound less .
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