Example sentences of "should [adv] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A pre-trial review should rarely be necessary in most personal injury claims in view of the automatic directions in Ord 17 , r 10 ( see above ) .
2 The backs are still young and should mostly be available in 1995 if they can retain their interest .
3 These would best be resolved by a form of cost-benefit which pays close attention to the social ‘ externalities ’ involved in investment projects , which compares the time profiles of return on projects competing for resources at non-usurious rates of discount , and which does not operate with the technocratic pretension that all factors in an investment decision can be rigorously quantified ( i.e. which does not disguise as purely technical questions matters which should properly be open to political debate ) .
4 Yet the Italian should perhaps be grateful for a more discriminating anniversary review of his achievements in place of the flood of notes and words which almost submerged Mozart 's genius .
5 For example , if a hotel wants to develop an impressive mail-out , then it may not be advisable to use a third A4 size — it should perhaps be larger with a specially designed envelope which interests the reader sufficiently to open it and read its contents .
6 They would need training and should receive remuneration ; colleges and postgraduate deans should together be responsible for setting up such a system .
7 Such financial assistance should only be necessary in the most exceptional circumstances .
8 The principles thus stated apply not only to national legislation which has been specifically adopted to implement a directive but also should only be applicable to any national legislation adopted after the directive .
9 Secondly , the treaty itself embodies the vital principle of ’ subsidiarity ’ , making it clear that the Community should only be involved in decisions which can not more effectively be taken at national level .
10 One unresolved issue is the extent to which price discriminatory practices can be taken as evidence of market dominance , since one view is that the authorities should only be concerned about such practices if the firm has a dominant position .
11 It was firmly stated that where review was based upon breach of natural justice , the court should only be concerned with the manner in which the decision was reached and not with the correctness of the decision itself .
12 Spending should only be high on welfare , it is argued , where this is perceived as necessary in order to woo voter support ( Sharkansky , 1971 ; Wright , 1975 ) .
13 Three quarters said they had n't been consulted before a caution was given , and sixty two percent of our sample thought offenders should only be entitled to one caution no matter whether the crime was committed by an adult or juvenile .
14 Beings having the sufficient characteristic of ‘ otherness ’ to warrant an attack should only be those from other lands or worlds .
15 ( 1981 ) ; but it remains to explain why latent inhibition procedures should apparently be capable of producing overshadowing but not blocking .
16 From this sense of shared interest has grown the idea that the citizen should somehow be involved in the process of government .
17 Requests for copy on graphics or proofing printers which would occupy two columns or less in the dictionary should normally be satisfied within thirty minutes .
18 Designed to tempt Christmas shoppers , it should already be available in selected Dixons and Currys centres by the time you read this .
19 If the horse is going to be shod , it should already be accustomed to having its feet picked up and filed .
20 What , however , should already be evident as a result of both the historical and anthropological materials investigated in this chapter is that , just as with material culture in general , in many social studies ( with the conspicuous exception of economics ) a stress on consumption is a necessary corollary to its previous neglect .
21 Yours members should already be aware of the Committee 's recommendations so that they too can lobby MPs and Government contracts , in advance of the Select Committee 's proceedings .
22 think it should just be available in in shops ?
23 The module descriptors are designed to cover the process of language acquisition and should thus be applicable to any language .
24 They should thus be open in the evenings and at weekends as well as during ordinary office hours so that working people can attend without having to take time off work .
25 Sheila reckons police should soon be hot on the trail of the burglar , who stole a CD player and sentimental items .
26 Rubella ( German measles ) can cause devastating damage to the fetus in early pregnancy and girls who have not had an attack of this disease by the age of puberty are offered immunisation against this virus so that any baby conceived would be protected , although this should soon be rare in the UK because from 1988 , MMR ( measles , mumps , rubella ) protection has been available to all infants .
27 This is not to imply that we need always be certain nor never make mistakes ; but in cases of doubt we should nonetheless be ready with some description : I see something black and circular in the road , I hear creaks and rustlings downstairs .
28 ‘ The information should still be useful in 500 or 1,000 years , ’ Penston said .
29 CFCs are only very slowly removed from the stratosphere and , with residence times in the range of 65–120 years ( Brice et al. , 1982 ) , virtually all of the CFCs ever produced ( since they were invented around 1930 ) should still be present in the stratosphere .
30 Regardless of who 's caring for the child , both parents are still responsible and should still be involved in any decision making .
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